Where do you Wank?

Casual and fun topics or questions

Where do you best like to wank alone?

In bed in the morning
In bed at night
In the shower
In the bath
In the toilet at home
In the garden
Looking at porn sites
Reading Solotouch
On cam
Somewhere else (post the place where you pull your plonker!
Total votes: 221

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Re: Where do you Wank?

Post by jerkaddict »

Usually on my couch while watching some porn on my TV
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Re: Where do you Wank?

Post by gavin1969 »

In front of woman
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Re: Where do you Wank?

Post by gavin1969 »

Mostly in front of porn websites...but the hottest is front of my girlfriend or open minded lady that likes to see a man wank!
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Re: Where do you Wank?

Post by jamie33 »

Mainly in front of the PC looking at porn, or in the shower, if I'm indulging my piss fetish. I do like an occasional outdoor wank, I often let my balls and dick out and free to play when I'm walking the dog at night, not real exhibitionism, its happening under a long parka or coat. Sometimes I go into a little thicket and let the dog off the leash to take care of his business, so I take care of mine. Last week, it wasn't until I was sitting at the kitchen table having a cuppa I noted I had spunk all over my boot.
I haven't told my wife of my interesting secret life of extreme wanking. She let it be known, she thinks masturbating means you are not satisfied with your sex life. She would be really upset, because we do have a great sex life.I would hate to wreck it.
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Re: Where do you Wank?

Post by prowanker »

Most often I am where I am now...in front of the computer and exploring the porn sites.

While I am seated during the edging phase ( 1 to 2 hours normally) I get to my feet and stand behind my seat. I turn the seat toward me and drape the seatpad with a towel or the shirt I'm wearing. In order to get right in the mood I strip right down to buck arse naked and go at it trying to time myself to squirt at the same time as the actor.

I'm not always in total synch but usually very close.

It's all good.
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Re: Where do you Wank?

Post by ventry »

from the looks of the poll I jack at 5 of the 10 listed, and, a few more not listed. Mostly split between bedroom and porn sites but also in the car, at porn shop booths. Jeeez I'm a real pig....
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Re: Where do you Wank?

Post by danno1964 »

All of the above for me. Add workplace to that as well. As I get older I find that the riskier the better.
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Re: Where do you Wank?

Post by fkiss36 »

Mostly at my desk in my home office. Almost always looking a porn. I do it pretty often in my bed when I wake up or before I go to sleep. I've done it in a tent, in the bathroom on an airplane, on a boulder on a mountainside, in my car, on the toilet, in the shower, in the tub, in a building I was inspecting, at work and in a barracks.
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Re: Where do you Wank?

Post by rathb69 »

When I first responded, I selected "Looking at porn sites" but that was based on it being the most frequent (based on convenience). My favorite places to jack off are public or semi-public places including anywhere outside.

1. Good: backyard, mostly secluded parks, trails, campsites, etc. Sometimes people are around but not close.
2. Better: less secluded public places (in the car on public streets, on trains, etc.) when I can get away with it. Usually people are close by.
3. Best: indoors at semi-public places (adult book store booths, porn theaters, peep shows, etc.) where people can see.

Going from 1 to 3, frequency decreases, risk increases, titillation greatly increases.

If I had the opportunity at any moment to pick a place to jack off, it would probably be at porn theater with other people around (I guess thats really not alone). If completely alone, it would be outside somewhere. Anyway, I changed my response to "Somewhere else".
Last edited by rathb69 on Wed Oct 05, 2022 9:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Where do you Wank?

Post by bd4236 »

When alone, when I was single and in relationships and when married, and regardless of the living arrangement, I've been pretty consistent: in bed in the morning, in bed at night, in the shower or on the couch. Not that i haven't done it elsewhere (balcony, swimming pool, roof...) but those were pretty much one-offs.
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Re: Where do you Wank?

Post by wolfboy »

Anywhere really but if she is not interested she says to just do it on her in bed
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Re: Where do you Wank?

Post by fireaxe14 »

I like to stroke myself in many different places, my car, in the woods, at my lady friends house in front of her, on my deck late at night, on a roof top deck, and sometimes in front of a high rise window
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Re: Where do you Wank?

Post by Sean1969 »

Love to wank in front of a woman!
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Re: Where do you Wank?

Post by Sean1969 »

Anywhere I get the urge. Slip in the local grocery market, and jerk it if a see hot ladies in there and go to the bathroom! Been caught once by an employee, but she watched!
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Re: Where do you Wank?

Post by crawdad55 »

Most commonly in my man cave garage looking at porn. My favorite place is out on my boat on a hot summers day. I can go out and not see anyone for hours. I like to get naked , sweaty, oiled up with tanning lotion and it feels like I am on my own little private island. I edge for a while then cum hard.
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Re: Where do you Wank?

Post by jax »

I usually either wank in bed before I go to sleep or standing up in front of the full length mirror in my flat. I love to watch myself wank. I also sometimes wank in bed in the morning before I get up if I’m really horny. Also sometimes sitting on the couch, but less often. A wank is a great way of starting or ending the day for sure :P
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Re: Where do you Wank?

Post by jimbobv6 »

1. Downstairs on the sofa in the morning before the fam wakes up
2. In my car
3. Bathroom at work
4. In the woods near home in the summer
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Re: Where do you Wank?

Post by doravidu »

I'm rebooting this story to fix my fuck-ups. Comments please.

Chapter 1

Here she was yet again, walking through a village in Afghanistan with the Marine unit that she was attached to. She was a navy corpsman and damn proud of it. She also filled the role of the unit’s FET member and also was sort of the unit’s good luck charm. On this morning, they were on a routine patrol when out of nowhere a single shot rang out. Just ahead of her the unit’s commander had just been hit in the neck and she was there in a second. For not only was this the very well-liked commander but he was also her fiancé and they were due to be married in six weeks when they both were rotated back to the states. When she got to his side, she grabbed his uniform and pulled him to cover which was quite an accomplishment being that he was six-two and two hundred twenty pounds plus his combat gear. She put a pressure dressing on his neck hoping, praying that it would save the man that she loved more than life itself, but knowing that he was already dead. He knew it to when he reached up and put his hand to her check, told her that he loved her, begged her to move on after him, and to find someone else that could make her happy. She leaned over to kiss him one last time and as they shared that last kiss; he died and she just stood up because there were other calls that needed her attention.

This is where she woke up as she always did, in a cold sweat and breathing heavy. It was three AM when she sat up in her bed and started cursing. She knew from previous experience that she wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep. This memory was formed eight years ago and was still as sharp and painful as the day it was formed. During this time, she had graduated medical school and became a very respected trauma surgeon. She was known to work impossibly long hours and even with her fire and gold hair was known as the Ice Bitch because she would never show emotion in any situation. Many of her actions came off as extremely cold and at first glance as uncaring even though, they would prove to be the right call in the end. So just like every other time this happened she did what she did best; she got up, fixed a snack, put on comfortable underwear, everything sexy had been thrown away long ago, her scrubs and went to work at the local hospital indiantube.porn .

This was the life of Dr. Emily O’Neal. Twenty-nine years old, reddish-blond hair and emerald green eyes. She stood at six foot even, one hundred forty-five pounds of muscle, but still had curves in all the right places with her perky breast between a C and D cup and the rest of her forming a perfectly symmetrical hourglass. She played volleyball all through high school, and had kept that figure through her time in the Navy and college. Recently she had been putting on extra weight but she didn’t give a fuck because she was sick of the attention that she got from almost every guy plus a large number of women that seen her. The guys wanted to get into her pants and the women were either jealous of her, would lust after, or wish that they looked like her.

At work, it was more of the usual: couple of car crashes with minor injuries, an older lady with heart trouble, some teens that had been stupid. It was now almost two in the afternoon and Emily was getting ready to go home when there was an explosion and everything in the hospital shook. This triggered a reaction in her and she dropped to the floor and screamed “incoming” thinking that she was in combat again. It didn’t take long to figure out that she was safe and she sat up. One of the nurses, Cindy, probably the closest thing the Emily had to a friend came over to make sure that Emily was OK.

“Ya, I’m good, the only thing hurt is my ego. For a second there, I thought I was back in Afghanistan, and that begs the question, What the bloody hell was that?” Replied Emily

This got a bit of a giggle from Cindy. Cindy was everything that Emily wasn’t. She was a very likable outgoing lady who had raven black hair, skin of charcoal, a loving husband, and two adorable kids.

“Hell, if I know what happened but we will probably find out in a bit.” Cindy told her.

Cindy then gave Emily a hand to get back up. As Emily got back up, she was able to look over Cindy, for she was only five three, and in doing this, Emily could see the emergency entrance. There was a cop there and he was obviously excited by something. Emily watched the cop tell the receptionist something and run out. Now more curious than she had felt in years Emily told Cindy,

“Let’s go see the receptionist and find out what all that was about.”

As they walked up, they could see the receptionist was on the phone and they could hear it was the hospital administration. Whatever was going on was big. Looking at each other Emily and Cindy shrugged knowing that getting excited before getting news didn’t do anyone any good. After the receptionist hung up, Cindy asked,

“What’s up?”

The receptionist turned around in her chair and Emily and Cindy were taken aback. Looking at the receptionist, Sammy as she liked to be called, it looked like they were looking at a ghost. There was no color in her face and her eyes showed a look of absolute fear. Seeing this, both ladies grew every concerned very quick knowing that whatever was going on was going to be bad and when they heard the news, they were not disappointed.

“Sammy what’s wrong, what’s happening lives ex cams ?!” said Emily in her cold tone

Cindy added “Ya Sammy what’s going on? I’ve known you for twenty years and never seen you like this.” Sammy just looked at the two ladies and appeared to get even paler. In a hard, flat tone that nobody even knew Sammy possessed Sammy said,

“That explosion we heard was the oil refinery blowing up. That cop that ran in here told me to alert everyone to expect the causalities to start arriving shortly and don’t bother holding out hope for anyone we might know there. From the looks of things, the cop said that he wouldn’t be surprised if the refinery was sabotaged.”

At this Cindy just collapsed and started crying for her husband, Ben, worked there as a firefighter. Emily on the other hand almost instantly transformed back into a Navy corpsman and she knew what had to be done. First thing was to get Cindy out of shock and into action. After trying to calm her down and having no success Emily knew just how far out her friend was and what had to be done to bring her back. She brought her hand back and smacked her friend as hard as she could across the cheek.


Cindy just looked at Emily oblivious to the red mark forming on her cheek. She was dumbfounded. Nobody had ever heard Emily talk or act like this.

Emily just crouched so she was down at eyelevel with Cindy. Emily gave her a small, warm smile and said:

“Come on Cindy, we have work to do.”

At this Emily grabbed Cindy’s hands and stood up. This pulled Cindy to her feet again and the two of them rushed off to start getting things ready. What followed could only be described as a sneak peak of Armageddon. People coming in with limbs torn off, some had most of their skin melted, some didn’t even look like people, they were just odd shapes of charcoal that happened to move. All through this Emily’s cold temperament kept the trauma teams glued together and kept everyone’s minds on their work. After almost twelve hours of putting people back together, they were done and absolutely exhausted.
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Re: Where do you Wank?

Post by goander »

Watching porn in my home office.
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Re: Where do you Wank?

Post by blackboxer500 »

ImageAm I alone if I masturbate in bed while my wife sleeps beside me? That’s not as common as it once was because now at 61 it usually takes enough vigor that I would wake her up. I mean it’s just fine that she knows, but I don’t want to disturb her.

My favorite place to do it alone using my most powerful way to masturbate is standing up with my cock lying on the back of a love seat in the front room that is the perfect height. I put down towels to keep everything neat, lube up with my favorite lube, and use my Doxy die cast vibrator with one of these attachments. This is also used during sex with Susan but 95% of Doxy induced orgasms are alone. Image
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