prepubescent masturbation

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Re: prepubescent masturbation

Post by wankwank »

i was orgasming way before i even knew what it was. my first experience was in gym class climbing gym rope. i was shimmying up the the rope with it between my legs and i started getting a tingling sensation in my groin. the more i shimmied up the more intense it got until i was literally holding on for dear life! i could do it 3 or 4 times in a row. it felt like the ost amazing pins and needles in my cock and balls.

i worked out i could do it in the local park shimmying up poles such as the swing frame. i would be sliding up and down that pole orgasming again and again, everyone seemed oblivious.

the first time i masturbated was when i was 8. i use to like pulling back my foreskin back and looking at my bare exposed glans. just feeling the air on my glans would give me an instant erection but i couldnt get the foreskin back over the head when i was erect. so i would be left with a raging skinned back erection feeling horny as hell.

i was in the living room sat on the arm of the sofa with my pyjamas pulled down. stroking my cock, watching it get red and angry until i started feeling a stirring in my groin. next thing i know i was seeing stars and flashes, my cock was bouncing all over the place. my cock head felt like it had exploded. it felt so amazing my cock was pulsating!

i started openly masturbating in the bath and in my bed, i soon worked out i liked being seen masturbating which added even more to the excitement.
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Re: prepubescent masturbation

Post by thequiet1 »

This is very hot question. I have always thought about those days experimenting but as I grew up it then felt like it was wrong and have never talked to anyone about it. I guess that's why this forum is a good thing.

Nothing too crazy, but I remember starting to play around with a couple buddies of mine, probably 10 or so. My parents had a magic wand they would use for my dads back. For some reason I used it on my self once and that was it. I was always taking it upstairs. No real cum yet. Somehow i showed 2 of my friends and we would watch each-other use it. Didnt really go further than that. But that thing was heavily used.

Thinking back, they had to know I was using it for that.
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Re: prepubescent masturbation

Post by anon1122 »

I did. I used to use this muscle massager and put it on my hard dick letting the vibration beat away at it. I’d eventually max it out until I “came”. Wasn’t able to ejaculate test but still get the full feeling of having an orgasm.
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Re: prepubescent masturbation

Post by spunkluvr »

Discovered the joys of stroking my little prick when I was six. Been an obsessive wanker ever since.
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Re: prepubescent masturbation

Post by iammmd55 »

Not masturbation but sex. Or, almost sex.

Was friends with one of the neighbor kids. Went over his house because I was invited to swim in their pool. He wasn’t home yet with his mom but his sister was there. Also a friend, but, a girl, so we’d only done stuff with the group of neighborhood kids, never hung out alone together. Not that we couldn’t have, but up to then we just hadn’t.

I didn’t have a crush on her, really never thought about her at all. But she was nice and she was objectively cute enough that I knew some guys would like her “like that.” I kind of liked another girl in the neighborhood “like that” at the time.

We were both 10, I think, her brother a year younger. She had an older brother, too about 14 or 15. Kind of a “tough guy”. He was never a bully or anything but we didn’t hang out with him.

We couldn’t go in the pool until her mom got back so we went up to her room. Pink everything is all I really remember about it. She said she had something to show me, and got a couple of hardcore porn mags out from under her bed. Not Playboy, which I’d seen because my parents sometimes had one, but really low budget raunchy fully x-rated trash - that’s still the way I think of it. She said they were her (older) brother’s.

So we sat down on her bed next to each other in our bathing suits and started looking through them. Now, I’d looked through Playboy and I’d seen girls my age and older girls in bathing suits at the pool and the beach and I knew that “feeling” when I found them attractive, sometimes got hard looking at or thinking about them (which our health teacher at school had assured all us boys was totally normal) though I hadn’t yet begun masturbating (which we’d also been assured was normal - girls did it, too - and which my parents had acknowledged with apparently zero concern when I told them about the lesson because they’d asked, other than my mom saying “yes it’s OK, it’s fun, just do it in private.”)

These models were NOT attractive. And they were dressed or partially dressed, in ridiculous outfits with weird expressions on their faces. And every picture was a guy with his penis only partway, barely into a woman’s vagina or mouth in some awkward looking positions. And we both wondered why they were doing it that way, like that, wasn’t it supposed to be face-to-face lying on top of each other or on hands and knees like dogs do it? And wasn’t it supposed to be “all the way in”?

I commented on how gross the guys looked (and suddenly got kind of a creepy feeling about her older brother masturbating to the pictures… these weren’t beautiful women in Playboy these were not pretty women and they were nasty sleazy looking guys and … just gross!)

“Do you want to do that with me?” She asked.

I’d thought she was asking me if I liked her “like that,” and I suddenly felt bad because I liked our other friend from the neighborhood “like that” but didn’t feel that way about her. And I started to try explain..

But that’s not what she was asking.

“I don’t like you that way either. I mean, you’re OK looking…. “ I felt relieved for just a moment until she explained that she wanted to know if I wanted to DO what the models in the magazine were doing with HER. Right here. Right now. Just to try it.

“I think it’s OK, I haven’t had my periods yet.”
“OK.. “
“Do you ejaculate yet?”
“Uh…. no.”

So, you won’t get pregnant …

I hadn’t gotten hard looking at the magazine but between the time she stood up and the moment later when she kicked off her bathing suit, I was. She wasn’t the first girl I’d seen nude but I was a bit surprised at how good she looked without any clothes on and I quickly took off my T shirt and pulled down snd stepped out of my bathing suit.

“You’re really hard.”
“You’re really pretty.”

We stood there looking at each other.

“You look nice.”
“You do too.”

I was happy just looking at her wondered what we were supposed to do next.
“Do you want me to kiss you?”
“Should we hug?”
“Oh, ok…”
We just stood there looking at each other. And I started to wonder how this was supposed to work. This was as far as I’d ever “gone” with a girl and it had the other times seemed that was how it was supposed to be.

“Let’s try it the dog way.” And she jumped up on her bed and assumed the position. We had to employ pillows to get ourselves lined up and she insisted I not put it in “all the way” and not break her hymen … so we weren’t REALLY having sex. A thought which I found reassuring.

She reached back underneath her to open herself up and I put myself there and went in just a couple inches …
“That’s enough!”
I put my hands on her hips.
“I think you’re supposed to lie down on my back.”
“Oh, ok.” I was a little hesitant about all this full body contact, because it was like a hug and she said she didn’t want one but I gently eased myself down on top of her and at just about the same tine we both said “you feel nice.”

Thing is, I didn’t know, and don’t know if she did, that you were supposed to actually MOVE to have sex. Not that I wouldn’t have just right popped out if I had. So we just stayed there, still, like that for a couple of minutes. I remember more feeling her back and butt pressed against me and holding her naked(!) body against mine and feeling her breathing and how soft her hair was on my cheek than the feeling of being partway inside her which was nice -warm and soft and wet but there was so much else of her to feel and because we weren’t REALLY doing it I wasn’t thinking much about my dick (those days didn’t last much longer!) and then I was wondering how it would feel doing it the “regular” way next, when we heard her mom’s car in the driveway.

We didn’t panic or even say anything I just got off and out of her and then she got up and we put our suits on and she ducked into brother’s room to put the mags back - I later wondered about that - and we went out to the pool like nothing at all had happened.
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Re: prepubescent masturbation

Post by kevkiloyte »

Yes, I did. I was a late developer: my pubes didn't start growing before I was late 15, and my first ejaculation happened when I was mid-16.

I don't remember exactly when I discovered masturbation, but it was likely before I was 10. For years, I'd just rub against my bed or hump a pillow, most of the time with my clothes on, since there was no mess to worry about. Those dry orgasms were great, as I could have many in a row without cooldown time. I also enjoyed "dry sex" for a while, as I started to be sexually active when I was late 14.

Puberty finally started a few weeks before I turned 16, but it was quite slow. It took nearly nine months after my first pube to finally start producing cum, and for close to a year, it was still a tiny amount, a droplet or two at most; about half the time, it's actually still be dry. It finally started getting more 'normal' around my 18th birthday.
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Re: prepubescent masturbation

Post by strokerjim »

I accidentally discovered masturbation at age 11 one night in bed when I was just kind of randomly rubbing my pajamas against my hard cock. It started to feel better and better and I suddenly had my first dry orgasm. I was hooked and did it numerous times every day after that for years. I was a a late bloomer so I didn’t start to produce cum until I was about 14. One day I noticed a small drop of liquid that came out of my dick after my orgasm. Each day after that I started to produce a little more cum. I was really happy to finally be making semen. Within 6 months of that little tiny droplet, I was producing massive loads of cum that shot shot all over the place and made a huge mess everywhere. Since I was usually masturbating at least 3-4 times a day, before long I was really missing those convenient, no clean up dry orgasms. Particularly after the day I spent an hour or two trying to get cum out of my parents’ burgundy colored curtains when I accidentally blasted a load that shot way over my head while jacking off one day on the sofa in the family room when no one was home!
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Re: prepubescent masturbation

Post by hairybi »

I remember my Mother telling me to keep my hands away from my dick as early as 5 or 6. I think my first prepubescent orgasm was when I was 8, dripping a wash cloth over my erect cock in the tub. The sensations were amazing, and I eventually found my finger along the frenulum was even better. I didn't develop the fist method until later. I was masturbating constantly for the excitement, including achieving more than one orgasm on the same erection. I had sperm by 11.

I suspect that many of us who are chronic started to masturbate early and have had a higher-than-normal sex drive throughout our lives. Three times a day as a teen was not out of the question, and many of us did even more.
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Re: prepubescent masturbation

Post by gmcguy2023 »

I was late to the game on figuring out how to ejaculate. I can remember when we first got broadband Internet in our house and I had a desktop PC in my room. I would get half naked and read stories on Solotouch and look at a website called Coccozella which had public nudity on beaches etc. I must've been about 10. The funny thing is I don't even remember having dry orgasms. I remember i would touch myself and it felt good, but as soon as a felt any kind of build up I stopped for some reason. It was a rule that I left the door open in my room as a kid so my father would walk by and look at me half naked in front of the computer screen and ask "Everything OK in there, anything good happen yet?". As if he didn't know what I was doing I would close out the browser to try and hide it and hide my boner. It's so funny at that age you think that nobody has any clue what you are up to. He assured me it's natural and healthy and he did the same thing when he was my age and left me to it.
Anyways I was concerned as to why the hell I couldn't cum, I was smearing Vaseline on my cock etc. exploring myself. I had the ingredients but didn't know the recipe. About a year or so later I remember the relief of my first ejaculation and it was amazing.
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Re: prepubescent masturbation

Post by blackboxer500 »

gmcguy2023 wrote: Wed May 29, 2024 11:22 pm I remember i would touch myself and it felt good, but as soon as a felt any kind of build up I stopped for some reason.
I’m just speculating but wonder if the feeling was too reminiscent of suddenly needing to urinate, so you stopped. I remember some early orgasms evoking a sudden concern that I was about to pee. There was a relationship between the two sensations. A slight need to pee could even enhance orgasms, but I seldom used the urge to pee to enhance orgasms because there could be a fine line between enhancement and the fear you’re about to piss inappropriately. And orgasms often led to the need to pee, etcetera.
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Re: prepubescent masturbation

Post by mash2014 »

blackboxer500 wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 5:22 pm
gmcguy2023 wrote: Wed May 29, 2024 11:22 pm I remember i would touch myself and it felt good, but as soon as a felt any kind of build up I stopped for some reason.
I’m just speculating but wonder if the feeling was too reminiscent of suddenly needing to urinate, so you stopped. I remember some early orgasms evoking a sudden concern that I was about to pee. There was a relationship between the two sensations. A slight need to pee could even enhance orgasms, but I seldom used the urge to pee to enhance orgasms because there could be a fine line between enhancement and the fear you’re about to piss inappropriately. And orgasms often led to the need to pee, etcetera.
When I had my first orgasm suddenly I felt the need to pee. I headed to the bathroom and as I tried to relieve myself, a white glob came out and I had a funny sensation. I knew I was hooked for life.
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