Climbing a rope during PE to have orgasm

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Re: Climbing a rope during PE to have orgasm

Post by mainejoe »

This was masturbation for me until probably about 14 or 15. I discovered it in elementary school probably kindergarten or first grade. I used to climb the poles on the playground And got this wonderful feeling. I didn’t say anything to anyone but just kept doing it on the playground and pretty much every pole around the house etc. I could find. You could pretty much get away with doing anything climbing like that as a kid but I still wonder if anybody had an idea of what I was doing. I would have at least 2 to 3 orgasms every day during recess(Probably more at home as well but I wasn’t keeping track lol) but had no idea what they were. One time when I was using the tetherball pole the teachers whistled for the end of recess. Everyone was supposed to line up with their class to go into their rooms. I just had to have one more so I climbed back up to finish. Everyone else was lined up and the teacher was yelling at me while I was exploding. Probably 200 or so people total watching me at the top of the pole while I went. The teacher was complaining later that I was “playing Tarzan“ while everyone had to wait lol. The last time I probably did it in public was in sixth grade gym class on the ropes. I wasn’t even trying to orgasm but I could not help myself. I had a little more understanding then what was going on.
By the time I was in junior high I was home before my younger siblings and since I didn’t have recess anymore I had to take care of myself around the house. My favorite was the banister at the bottom of the stairs. I could grip the top and grind myself silly. Since I was home alone I could also do it in the nude for the first time. Wow! Better and more frequent orgasms. Four or five usually sometimes seven or eight and once 13 over the course of an hour. I miss those days
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Re: Climbing a rope during PE to have orgasm

Post by jman2211 »

I bet your Mother knew what you were doing but like most Mothers when it came to masterbation she said nothing.
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Re: Climbing a rope during PE to have orgasm

Post by effinjeff1965 »

jman2211 wrote: Thu Feb 29, 2024 8:02 am Wonderdick
I bet your Mother knew what you were doing but like most Mothers when it came to masterbation she said nothing.
Why do you think that is? Are they embarrassed about saying anything? Or they think "boys will be boys"? Or she likes the idea that her son is sexual in some way?

My mom walked in on me and a buddy with my dad's Playboy. We had our pants down and our hard dicks in our (own) hands. She looked at my boner and said, "You've been playing with yourself." Then she grabbed the magazine and stormed out of the room. She never said another word about it. My dad didn't either, so either she didn't tell him, or he didn't know what to say either. I wondered if she was more surprised or freaked out by the fact I was with a buddy, but her comment made it sound like she was more surprised or embarrassed that I was hard.
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Re: Climbing a rope during PE to have orgasm

Post by amibroken »

Okay, so I’m brand new here. I was searching online to see if I was, well, broken. And I stumbled across this. I thought this was more of a female thing until I saw all these posts by males.

I was in preschool. I used to climb the support bars on the gigantic metal slide. I could never quite make it to the top. About 3/4s of the way up, I’d stop, grip the pole tightly between my legs, shiver uncontrollably and then slide back down. Had no idea what it was, just that it felt great.

Fast forward to elementary school gym, fitness tests, climbing the rope and guess what… I could never quite make it to the top. Same exact thing, get about 3/4s of the way to the top, stop awkwardly, shiver a bit and then slide back down.

I’m not sure at what age I started to climb our banister at home. By that point I knew it was wrong and should at least do it when no one else was around, if not be completely ashamed that I was doing it. Banister at home, side of tubs (of course with a pillow on top, otherwise ouch!) or backs of couches.

I knew it was wrong, but that didn’t stop me. Just kept it secret.

So super fast-forward to my first boyfriend. Sex was fine. It was something I was supposed to do. Eventually it would feel good, right? Several years into it, I started grinding really hard when I was on top, and I found IT! It hit me and I finally understood the lyrics, “She only comes when she’s on top.” Except I realized it was she only cums… duh! What an idiot.

So here I am many, MANY years later and I’m just not that into sex. Realized I maybe never had been 🤷‍♀️ I mean sex is okay. Sometimes I remember it being pretty great. But it was always so much work to get to climax with my partner. I mean, 10-15 minutes is AGES compared to like literally 1-3 minutes on my own. So, my question? I miss the possibility of that intimacy with my partner, but I don’t know it’s worth the effort of trying to climax with him. Am I just lazy? Am I asexual?

Don’t get me wrong, climaxing is great when I choose to do it, but I’m never really “driven” to do it. I never really look at people and get turned on anymore. I did briefly in my late teens, I think. I’m wondering about my sexuality. The older I got, I started thinking I was a little (okay a lot) weird, broken, low lobido or a combo of those?

I’ve been this way for as long as I can remember though. I just don’t fit into the mold that nearly everyone talks about or what all the movies/shows portray.

Has anyone else felt similar? I mean I like the act of having an orgasm, so I don’t think I’m fully asexual. But it’s not really worth the effort most of the time. And the older I get, it’s especially not worth the effort to do it with someone. It’s so much easier and faster on my own.

Oh, I almost forgot… the whole reason I started searching online tonight was that I am wondering if it is even POSSIBLE for someone like me to be able to have an orgasm another way? Like from penetration or really anything besides pretty hard back and forth grinding/climbing-type friction?
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Re: Climbing a rope during PE to have orgasm

Post by prvjobud »

In middle school or before, I would hang from the Bathroom stall and rub my penis against the style as I pulled up. The harder it got for me to pull myself up the harder I got the harder I got off.
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Re: Climbing a rope during PE to have orgasm

Post by jimmyl55 »

Nice thread here. When I hit puberty, I found out that by putting pressure at the base of my cock, I could have an orgasm. The first time it happened, I was straddling the stair bannister in our house and had my first orgasm that wasn't a wet dream. I quickly found other furniture, such as the arm rests on chairs, that would do the trick. If I was outside, I would climb on tree, straddle a limb and rock back and forth until I ejaculated. In fact, this technique was how I masturbated for the first couple of years. I didn't think of using my hand until much later.

Funny thing though, I did lots of rope climbing in PE, but never once had an orgasm.
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Re: Climbing a rope during PE to have orgasm

Post by bodyandmind »

I like your story, mainejoe. I relate to it a lot 'cause climbing was my main way of masturbating for years in my teens. It felt different and better than the traditional method. And it was addictive like you said - in a good way. Helped me build upper body strength. And you're learning about your body at that age and how to give yourself pleasure.

I didn't do it in public or in school situations with a lot of people around like you mention, but more on playground equipment, poles, laundry lines and trees when no one or very few people were around and far away. As I mentioned in an earlier post - I'd wrap tissue around myself so I wouldn't stain my clothes and risk my mother finding out. And yeah, like you, when no one was a home, I'd get to strip down do it hanging on shower stalls or a pipe that I put up across doors. But I'd still wrap my c*ck in tissue. There were a few rare times when I would go out at night in the yard when no one was home and climb the tree in my backyard naked. I still remember the feeling of the night air on my skin and the freedom of being able to let my cum fly without having to cover my c*ck - that feeling of pushing yourself almost to muscle failure and letting every last drop spew out of you as a result. Like you I would sometimes cum several times in one session. As an adult - though it doesn't happen every time I try - I can still bring myself to orgasm by climbing or doing leg lifts. And it feels just as incredible as it did in my teens. But I haven't had too many of those opportunities to do it outside. I wish!

mainejoe wrote: Fri Dec 08, 2023 2:36 pm This was masturbation for me until probably about 14 or 15. I discovered it in elementary school probably kindergarten or first grade. I used to climb the poles on the playground And got this wonderful feeling. I didn’t say anything to anyone but just kept doing it on the playground and pretty much every pole around the house etc. I could find. You could pretty much get away with doing anything climbing like that as a kid but I still wonder if anybody had an idea of what I was doing. I would have at least 2 to 3 orgasms every day during recess(Probably more at home as well but I wasn’t keeping track lol) but had no idea what they were. One time when I was using the tetherball pole the teachers whistled for the end of recess. Everyone was supposed to line up with their class to go into their rooms. I just had to have one more so I climbed back up to finish. Everyone else was lined up and the teacher was yelling at me while I was exploding. Probably 200 or so people total watching me at the top of the pole while I went. The teacher was complaining later that I was “playing Tarzan“ while everyone had to wait lol. The last time I probably did it in public was in sixth grade gym class on the ropes. I wasn’t even trying to orgasm but I could not help myself. I had a little more understanding then what was going on.
By the time I was in junior high I was home before my younger siblings and since I didn’t have recess anymore I had to take care of myself around the house. My favorite was the banister at the bottom of the stairs. I could grip the top and grind myself silly. Since I was home alone I could also do it in the nude for the first time. Wow! Better and more frequent orgasms. Four or five usually sometimes seven or eight and once 13 over the course of an hour. I miss those days
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Re: Climbing a rope during PE to have orgasm

Post by travisballs »

I discovered dry orgasms early on climbing the street sign on our corner, probably around 8 years old. I couldn’t get enough of that feeling, of course I didn’t know what was happening. Now jump to high school gym class when we had to climb the ropes. Thankfully I had lots of practice in my younger years because reaching the top that great feeling would return, but now the orgasms are wet lol. So I knew how to control that. But one kid Brain wasn’t so skilled, climbed the rope, had a huge orgasm and came down with soaked gym shorts, of course we all laughed at the poor kid, and we all knew his shorts were full of sticky cum. Gym teacher just sent him to the locker room to shower.
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