Masturbation in the military

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Masturbation in the military

Post by jemstone »

I am not a veteran, but in reading and chatting with a friend who is a veteran, I know that male masturbation is a major sexual outlet for active military, especially for those in combat zones. I know there are some military masturbation stories here on ST, and I have read most of those, but I am interested in starting a discussion here about how guys manage this in places where there is little privacy and how openly the guys talk about it. I know there are "jack shacks," usually port-a-potties, where the guys know each other go to masturbate. Masturbation used to be against military policy, but I think that rule has relaxed and maybe has been rescinded. I am hoping that guys who have had these experiences but not motivated to write a story to upload to ST will engage in a friendly discussion here.
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Re: Masturbation in the military

Post by jimbobv6 »

LOL I was in the military for 9 years. As far as I'm aware, there were no rules about it and it went on a LOT and EVERYWHERE!

I was lucky enough to be looking after a group of raw recruits who had to share a large room of perhaps 20 beds. I had a single room opposite one of the beds and watched a young man jerking off every night through my keyhole (while obviously stroking myself. The showers were the other favourite place and, despite a plastic curtain for modesty, it was obvious what was going on by the bare ass banging against the curtain!

While on exercises, we had guard posts where you could see 360 degrees around and we'd be there for 2 hours at a time. That was my favourite place to whack off!
Last edited by jimbobv6 on Wed Jun 17, 2020 3:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Masturbation in the military

Post by ninja1173 »

I retired after a couple of decades, it was sort of an unspoken thing we all knew happened but no one really acknowledged it. I was lucky enough to find some female friends who were somewhat interested in "lending a hand" or having some naughty phone sex from different work centers. My career field located me in remote areas so I was able to find ample alone time if necessary and I usually had a small vehicle for an extra layer of privacy. Best memory was a mutual masturbation session with a young (gay) female between pallets of bombs during Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003. She wasn't much into guys but liked to watch them masturbate and in exchange she let me watch her play with herself. When I was about to cum, she reached over and gently cupped my balls and massaged my 'taint', it felt like I unloaded a pint of semen!
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Re: Masturbation in the military

Post by dlihret »

I was in the National Guard during Vietnam Nam era. I was just out of college and sent to basic training and AIT. During basic there was no privacy, so I don’t think I jerked off very much. Also, training was pretty physically exhausting.
When I got to AIT, I was in a unit that had a rotating training schedule, so I would get a full morning or full afternoon off about twice a week. I don’t recall where, but I found a couple of “skin mags” during this time. Back then it was just tits and an occasional beaver, but it was more than enough it keep my dick hard.
I would stash them in an opening in an abandoned building I found (certainly not my barracks!). On my off time I would walk over to the stash building (always carry a clipboard so no one bothers you). I would then go to the library and head to the men’s room. There was almost never anyone else there, so I would be able to spend ten or fifteen minutes jerking off. After I was done, I would head back to the abandoned building and back to my unit. I probably did this six or eight times while in AIT. It definitely made my time in training go faster and much more enjoyable!
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