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My Trip to a Nude Beach, Part 8

Posted by: Age: 21 Posted on: 6 comments
4 likes 16 views Category: Masturbation Male-Female Tags: Hands-free ejaculation, prostate orgasm, ass-play, asshole fingering, exhibitionsim, nudism

The girls are curious about my large ejaculation, and ask about prostate massage.

Carrie finally pulled her finger out of my ass and let go of my penis as she licked the fresh cum on her lips. She had a big smile on her face as she turned to the girls and asked, "What did you think? Did any of the other boys cum like that?"


Our "audience" assured her that my ejaculation was the biggest they had ever seen, and they really liked watching me squirt. One girl asked about Carrie licking her lips, and she replied, "he kinda squirted all over the place, but I was trying to get some in my mouth."



"You wanted it in your mouth? That stuff's yucky!" one girl cried, and Carrie giggled as she said, "Some girls like it. I think it tastes really good. You should try it some time."



"Eeewww, you eat his sperm? That stuff was in his penis! That's like pee!" a girl exclaimed, and another girl said, "some of it hit my shoulder. I'm gonna see what it's like." The brave girl that I had squirted on ran her finger across her shoulder and gathered the small streak of cum, raising it to her mouth and sucking gently as if she was testing some new creation in the kitchen. She gave a small shrug and raised her eyebrows. "I can't tell too much .........kinda salty?"



"Yeah, sperm can be a little salty, but his is much better. It has a sweetness, and a little earthy and nutty. It's really good when it's warm," Carrie offered, describing why she liked my semen. I was hoping I would have many more chances for her to sample my delicious sperm, but at the moment I knew I was empty.



"And you made him cum extra-big by putting your finger in his butt?" another girl asked. Some of the girls reacted with groans, saying that is too dirty.



"Well, you have to understand, he has a prostate in there, and if you touch it just right, he can cum really good. I washed him out earlier, so it's not dirty at all," Carrie explained.



"But it's his butthole!" a girl exclaimed, and the other girls giggled.



"Don't you like other things on a boy? You enjoy looking at a nice penis, don't you?" Carrie continued.



"Yeah, they wiggle so funny!"


"I like watching them get hard!"

"They're like a funny little snake."

"Yeah, a snake that spits!"


The girls were laughing as they talked about penises, and Carrie interjected, "How about the butt? Don't you like a nice, firm butt?"



The girls had to agree that a boy's butt was also fun to look at. A few said that they had squeezed a butt before.



"And right in the center of those round buns is a cute little hole. I don't think it's dirty ....... I think it's sexy," Carrie told the girls. Some of them were skeptical, so Carrie pulled on my shoulder and said, "c'mon, Tom, show them yours."



It was kind of fun to hear Carrie explain things to these girls, but now she wanted me to be an exhibit for their education. Did I really want to show them my asshole? Oh well, they had just witnessed my big cum shot, so I guess I had nothing to hide.



I slowly got up and Carrie grabbed my hips to turn me around, giving my right cheek a good squeeze as she asked, "don't you like his  firm butt? Look how it wiggles ........... he has just a little hair going down his crack. It's fun to slide your finger in his crack ...." Carrie remarked as her finger worked its way towards my asshole. Some of the girls were giggling, but no one said it was dirty.



"Now, here's the good part ---Tom, get down on your hands and knees ---- look at this little thing. Isn't it cute? Just a little pucker with a bit of hair swirling around. All it takes is a little wetness, and you can poke right inside," she demonstrated, and I jumped as her finger teased my sensitive asshole. I wondered how far she would go, but I had followed her orders and was now on my hands and knees with my asshole exposed to all the girls. It was kind of sexy to show such a private area to a group of females, but my recent orgasm kept my penis from getting hard.



"And there's a prostrake (sic) in there that wiggles and jumps when he cums?" a girl asked.



"So, it's called a prostate, and it's a hard little ball inside that likes to be tickled. If you rub it firmly, he cums really good," Carrie explained to her  "sex students".



"So ........ he likes it?" a girl asked shyly, and Carrie patted my butt and said, "Tom, do you want to take this one?"



I looked down between my legs and saw an eager girl's face staring at my butt. What knowledge could I impart to this virgin little teen?



"I hadn't really played with my butt before today, but when Carrie put her finger inside, it felt really good. I like the sliding feeling, and she found my prostate pretty easily. She just kept rubbing and all of a sudden I was gushing cum. She wasn't touching my penis or anything .......... it felt pretty amazing," I admitted.



"Show us! Show us!" some of the girls cried, and I realized they wanted a prostate orgasm demonstration. Carrie's  were demanding a second orgasm from me.



"How about it, babe? You think you have any left?" Carrie asked softly as she rubbed my butt. Her hand felt good, and I didn't want to disappoint, but .............



"I don't think so. You just did me so good before ............... I'm gonna have to wait ......." I confessed as she tickled around my asshole.



"He says he doesn't have any left. How about one of you other guys? Any of you want to help us out?" Carrie asked as she turned her attention to the naked men sitting in the sand. I couldn't see their faces, but I imagine that they were none-too-happy with the idea.



"Yeah ....... yeah ...... one of you needs to show us your butt! Come on ........ she says you'll like it." one girl cried. Another said, "you should do it, Kenny. You haven't cum in a while. C'mon, it'll be fun." Apparently Kenny was the brave one in the group.



The girls squealed and clapped as Kenny walked over and stood near Carrie. She told him to get on his hands and knees beside me, and show the girls his asshole. She instructed one of the girls to join her, so she could demonstrate on me while the girl would try to find Kenny's prostate. The eager girl giggled as she felt his asshole for the first time, and declared, "ooh, it's soft!"



"Yeah, it's cuter than his ......... it doesn't have any hair. They both have smooth balls, too," another girl observed. 



"Now, you can pet him a little and get him used to being touched, so run your finger around his asshole and watch it flex," Carrie instructed as I felt her finger swirl around my soft pucker. She did a tentative poke and I felt my asshole respond with a contraction.



"It's winking!" one girl laughed, and they all giggled as they saw two assholes being played with. Kenny even let out a moan.



"So, lick your finger real good and rub it on the outside. You can feel how he's trying to open up, can't you? Now, get it a little wetter, and twist your finger. See? His little lips are parting ........ just push some more ..........now do it like this .............." Carrie encouraged her student, and I felt her finger enter my body.



"Oohhh! Aaahhhggg ...... don't .............aaaaaahhhhhh!" Kenny cried, apparently not used to feel something going into his butt.



"Calm down ........ her finger is barely inside .......... let her twist it around a little ............. relax, and push back a little .......... oh, see? she's going deeper, now. Doesn't that feel good?" Carrie coached as she pushed deeper into my asshole to demonstrate for her student. It sounded like Kenny was getting used to a girl's finger up his butt, since he was now moaning lightly, and not objecting.



"Eeewww, it's in there!"


"Look at her finger in his butt!"

"She's got it all the way in!"

"I think it's disgusting!"

"He likes it ........ he's getting hard!"

"What about the other one?"


I was having fun being a model for this asshole demonstration, but I could see my limp penis dangling between my legs, refusing to get hard again so quickly. Carrie had found my prostate, and the rubbing gave me a warm, full feeling, but it wasn't that tingly, orgasmic feeling from before. It was just nice to feel a finger sliding in and out of my butt, rubbing across my prostate.



"Look, he's dripping!" one girl observed, and Carrie told her student, "rub it in if you want to." She must have followed orders, because I heard loud groans from Kenny as she pulled on his oozing penis. 



"She's milking him like a cow!"


"Yeah, she wants some of his cream."

"He squirts lots of cream."

"I wanna see him cum!"


As the girls giggled and watched Kenny get 'milked', Carrie pushed deep into my asshole and wiggled on my prostate. My groan told her how good it felt, and she rubbed my fuzzy cheek with her other hand. "Can you feel his little nut? Keep your finger on it, and rub firmly .......... you can let go of his penis, now. He's dripping pretty good. It looks like mine is dripping, too," she said as my limp penis must be responding to this nice prostate massage.



The girls kept watching closely as they waited for our 'milk' to gush out, and they were suddenly rewarded when Kenny let out a "Gaaaaaah ............guu .... guuuuh ..............Aaaahhhhh!"



"Look at that cum!"


"It's really thick."

"Look below his asshole ...... it's pulsing!"

"It's just running out!"

"He's got a lot."


The girls watched in awe as Carrie's student forced Kenny to gush cum onto the sand. I looked over and could see his penis jumping slightly as thick sperm ran out. The girls were laughing and clapping as they watched this hands-free ejaculation. Kenny was moaning as he was being milked, so I figured he enjoyed the experience.



"I could feel him squeezing my finger as he squirted!" the girl exclaimed as she finally pulled her finger out of his butt. She slapped Kenny's skinny butt and stood up to join the group of girls. One of the girls asked in a disappointed voice, "what about him?"



I knew that Carrie was not giving up on me, but my penis was still soft and I didn't feel anywhere close to cumming. Carrie kept going, and she reached down to squeeze my balls while she kept rubbing my prostate. The sensation was really nice, and I felt it grow and fill my body.  I heard Carrie finally say, "I think that's all you're gonna get."



I looked down to see a few drips of thick semen oozing out of my soft penis. Carrie's determined milking had managed to produce a prostate orgasm, even if I had no more semen to offer. A warm, sensual feeling had washed over me, instead of the usual frantic, jerking explosion that defined my ejaculations. 






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