As I said yesterday, Christina showed a great deal of interest not only in my brother, but also the fact that I help him out. She shagged him yesterday, but today, she wanted to see more.
Which is why, when I let her in, she wanted to go to my room first. She asked me if I was ok with her watching me get him off. In return, I asked her if she was ok with me getting off on her excitement. Here's her reply.
"Well now, Claire, I've been thinking a lot about it, and although I've never done anything with a girl, and don't think I would ever really want to, I will admit that sometimes when I masturbate I think of another girl touching me. Oh, and when I'm getting sucked off, I imagine it's another girl. That doesn't mean I will ever let it happen, but well, just to be honest about it ok?"
Nothing like a healthy dose of honesty, so I said,
"Ok, now then. My turn. I'm definitely bisexual. I have had sex with boys and girls, and I'm into kinky stuff as well. I'll be honest with you, I would love to suck you off, but I respect your decision. That said, I would love to lick your panties out, especially if you've just cum in them. I love the smell of another girls panties, and, well, there it is."
Christina thought about this for a moment or two and then said " I hadn't thought about panty smelling, but given that you're bi, I can see it. Hmmmm. Well, maybe it's something I might know....just to see."
I didn't know whether to give her my undies there and then, but I figured it might go better after we had visited Chris.
In his room, we made small talk for a while and then, right out of nowhere, Christina just parted her legs.....really....really wide. No thong today, just a pair of dark blue bikini panties.....that already had a little darker mark between her lips which I could clearly see. She tugged her top down, exposing her bra-less tits. Chris was growing a very nice little hard on in minutes.
Christina said "I'm not going t fuck you today, Chris. I want to see Claire wank you off. I might masturbate, I might not. I might let you see my cunt, I might not. But I DO want to see you spurt....all over your sister."
So, I sat on the edge of the bed, and spread my own legs a little. Showing my crotch to Christina gave me a thrill and, well, fuck it, we were close enough that if she wanted to, she would reach forward and......oh stop it Claire! Concentrate.
I remembered how Chris's cock had tasted yesterday, and how I had sucked him off, but I didn't want Christina to think we had gone too far too soon. I began masturbating my brother, just the way I know he likes it. He especially likes me to spit on his cockhead, and I like doing it. He was really wet, and slippery and I doubt very much whether my hand felt all that different to Christina's cunt.
Christina livened up the proceedings by pulling her crotch aside and revealing two very full, pouty lips.she ran her fingers around them before plunging one long middle finger right up herself. She also kept up a commentary. "Chris, did you know your sister wants to lick me out? She wants to stick her tongue right up where your cock went yesterday. She would have tasted your sperm, wouldn't she? Her brothers sperm, running out of my cunt. Wouldn't THAT be something, eh? Tell me, Chris, when your fucking your sister, do you think about me?"
Wait.....what???....rewind?......"when he's fucking his sister?"
"Oh, don't's's obvious you two have been the whole route. And, to be quite honest, it turns me on."
By this point, Chris was trying to buck his hips...a sure sign he's about to cum....."Go on, Claire. Take it in your mouth will you?"
I leaned over, and had barely got my lips around his cockhead when he filled my mouth with sperm.
When he'd finished, Christina said ."Well? Swallow him!"
By this point, my knickers were a total mess, and so were Christina's. She said "Well then. You've cum, now I guess it's our turn."
She raised that lovely bum off her chair and eased her sodden panties off and just held them out to me. Of course, I took them, but when I took mine off, I didn't quite know what to do. Should I offer them to her, or just accept hers? In the end, I offered them.
To my delight, she took them and for a few moments, just fingered them around until she found the crotch. Then, she lay them on her leg, very very near that delicious, pouty cunt. She said "its ok Claire, if you want to suck mine."
So, we started masturbating. Each looking at each other, with the heavy scent of fresh spunk in the air. I tried so fucking hard to hold on, you have no idea. At one point, Christina picked up my panties and held them to her face and I saw a massive intake of breath.....I was willing her to lick them, but instead, she made sure my cum stains were on the outside of the material, and then to my delight, she reached down, and pushed the wet, stained crotch of my knikcers up her cunt.
That was too much for me and I came hard, letting out a little,squirt which I made fucking sure to catch in the crotch of her panties. Actually, when I looked down, I had squirted more than I realised, and the crotch was equally wet inside and out.
With a long drawn out groan, Christina came with my panties up her hole.
She pulled my panties out, and held them out for me. "Well, Claire. I've got your cunt in mine, haven't I? And what HAVE you done to my panties? It looks like you've peed in them! " I quickly explained that it wasn't pee and that I had squirted. She said she'd love to be able to do that, and didn't really believe girls squirted. She said she thought it was usually pee.
I said "well, smell them if you don't believe me" which, to my delight, she did. "I wouldn't have minded if your peed them" she added. (Well well....maybe a girl after my own heart!"
"Claire, you did this for me, so I'm going to do something for you." And with that, she calmly got on the bed, straddled my brother and took his cock up her and by gently rotating her hips, made hi, cum inside her.
I had no idea how erotic I would find watching my brother screw another girl. I couldn't help but masturbate again. Even though I desperately wanted to do something to Christina.
In the end, I couldn't resist, and I started kissing Chris's tummy, very VERY close to her clit. Just when I thought that was it, I felt her hand on the back of my head moving me lower down, and I felt her hips tilt forward, pushing her clit nearer my mouth.
Very carefully, I stuck my tongue out and felt it make contact with her clit. I know it did, because it made her shudder. A few minutes later, Chris announced he was going to cum, and Christina replied that so was she.
I held my tongue touching his shaft, and her clit at the same time. I felt every pulse of his orgasm, and a couple more f contractions of hers.
I also felt her bend forward from the waist as she came, and place her hand very high up on my thigh, which made me cum.
The orgasms ended with me tasting salt, as Chris's cum overflowed, or ran down the sides. I'm guessing she's quite tight, and it doesn't take much for spunk to get squished out.
So, a small lesbian encounter, but I'm not kidding myself, I think Christina is definitely more into my brothers cock than my pussy.
I do want to talk about peeing panties with her though. There was definitely something in the way she said she wouldn't have minded if I had that bears further exploration. I'm walking her home in about an hour.....(when she's finished with Chris). Well have a chat and see.
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