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The Criminalisation Of Sex?

Imagine, if you will, a large state-run secondary school of some 2000 students. Their ages will range from 11-18/19 Some will be going through puberty, some will have already gone through it by the time they start there. All will have passed through this turbulent time by the time they are 14/15 or so. 


Now, park that for a moment, and consider this. The age of consent here is 16. That is the age a person is considered competent to give consent for sex……unless you are a teacher. Then, it’s illegal to have sex with a student of 16 OR OVER all the time they are a student at your school. Yes, that’s right, a special law has been invented to criminalise sex for teachers. It’s almost as if some Ministry of Envy committee sat down and said, “Hey look! There are some teachers having sex with students who are 16+. We must stop that avenue of pleasure immediately.” 



I didn’t get much opportunity to lust after teachers. 75-year-old nuns don’t do it for me…..but now and then, there were some panty-wetting horny teachers. Young nuns….mid to late 20s….or even the infamous Brother Stephen. He was a monk in his 30s, but I certainly wasn’t the only girl who squelched her way home in damp panties after being in his class. He taught maths, but more than that, if we flirted with him, he flirted right back at us….



….and there were rumours…..rumours that a couple of girls in the upper VIth form knew exactly what he had under his habit. I knew of two stories concerning girls in different year groups, yet both described the mole he allegedly had on his rather impressive cock. 



By 14, I knew….knew I was ready to get laid. My body was screaming for sex, and I knew the risks and how to manage them. At 15, I went on the pill. Of course, I told Mum it was for painful periods, but my mum didn’t buy that for a second. She let me have the fantasy that she believed me, but I think we both knew why I really wanted it. 



By this age, I also knew I was bi-sexual with a preference for girls, so the young nuns we had periodically drew my attention. These were not wizened old crones, but young women in the prime of life. You can’t tell me that any woman goes through her cycle without that mid-cycle flush of absolute horniness when you’d fuck anyone. Sister Catherine……..short, small-breasted, yet a ‘full penguin’….meaning she’d taken her final vows. She was slim, and oozed sex appeal. She was also very touchy-feely with us too. Always an arm round our shoulders, and a slight graze of our bums when she removed it. Now and then, when standing next to us going through one of our workbooks, the back of her hand would rest upon our boobs. I’m certain this was intentional, and it suited me, so bye-bye bra when I was in her classes. 



We, being the bitches we were, used to sit at our desks, our kilts (illegally unpinned which allowed them to flop wither side of our thighs), and we would sit open-kneed in her class. Far from giving us the ‘decorum’ lecture (and ‘penance’) we got from other nuns, Sister Catherine merely looked right back at us, a cheeky smile on her face. More than that, now and then we saw perky nipples poking at her habit. That led to wild fantasies (on my part) of ‘was she bra-less under there? Hey…what if she’s panty-less too! What if she rubs one out now and then……hey….what if she rubs one out over us now and then?’ The thought of this young nun getting her jollies looking up our skirts really got to me, so I always wore the more revealing panties I owned in her classes. Oh, not transparent or anything like that, but panties that were slightly too small that might let a labia slip out. That kind of thing. 



But back to the question of teacher/student sex. It’s a common-enough role play isn’t it? Husbands and wives the world over live this one out from time to time, and sometimes, the wife plays it young too. “Oh Sir….i shouldn’t…I’m only 14.” I’ve played the schoolgirl many times, and the younger I play it, the more intense the reaction I get from my partner. Forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest, I guess. 



I loathe the idea of anyone other than me making decisions over my body. Certainly not a group of jealous, fusty old lawyers, who probably wank themselves off over schoolgirl porn anyway. 



And while I’m having a rant…..gosh….me having a rant…who’d have thought…..I also loathe the habit of calling guys ‘perverts’ just because they might want to look up a girl’s skirt, or smell her panties. I got really angry with a friend once who found her boyfriend smelling her undies and having a quick wank. She called it ‘disgusting’ and it really lit my fuse. I Remember yelling at her, “Is your vagina disgusting? Is your girl cum foul-smelling or bad-tasting?”
She said, "No..actually, it tastes nice.”
 “Well, if it tastes and smells nice to you, why wouldn’t it do so for him?” It’s the most natural thing in the world for guys to want to see girls and particularly their sexual areas…boobs, panties…vaginas…..similarly we want to see cocks….and vaginas in my case. A guy wanting to cop a feel isn’t a ‘pervert’ he’s just doing what nature intended.” Gosh…looking back, I really laid into her. 



I’ve noticed more and more what I call ‘the criminalisation of men for just being men. A guy walks up to a girl and offers her a drink.  He’s just as likely to get a slap round the face and a sexual harassment complaint these days. The sour-faced man-haters who masquerade as ‘feminists’ these days seem intent on shackling men at every opportunity. Personally, I love the chase….I love being chased by a buy and the process of deciding ‘will I - won’t I?’ Yet all of that is sexual harassment these days. I hear some groups of man-haters are even campaigning for the right for a woman to withdraw consent for sex after the event. What is the world coming to? 



All I remember is a growing sense of empowerment. My body had…er….has….the power to attract. It causes physical and emotional reactions in others. How cool is that? Far from wishing it didn’t, or hiding it away, I adored every single, lust-filled second of it and I still do. I find nothing disgusting in a 50+-year-old man fancying me. Good luck to him! I will write about my brief fling with a 60-year-old one day. No, such a guy is not a pervert….if he thinks he can still get it up, then good for him! I have daddy/daughter fantasies to this day. I think a lot of girls do. 



So…there it is….my rant. Over and done with. Normal service will be resumed.


Posted on: 2024-04-04 00:01:01 | Author: