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Arboretum Communing With Nature

I pack my bag like I am going to the beach. Book, pillow, towel, phone and battery backup, swim suit etc.. Most of the time I simply read, nap, sun bathe and listen to the sounds of nature. My 'spot' is in a part of the Arboretum that is not near hiking trails and I have rarely seen other people. It was a nice sunny day and I found a little spot in the sun at the base of a small hill. I was reading, 'Eye of the Needle' by Ken Follet. After reading a passage in the book that graphically describes a awkward sexual encounter, I noticed that there was wet spot of pre cum on the outside of my running shorts. It is a great embarrassment for me that I produce a considerable amount of this clear slippery liquid when aroused. I can soak through a pair of briefs and jeans - if I am wearing light colored pants the 'wet spot' is super apparent. Because of my arousal I removed my shorts and was now naked on my towel and pillow.  In my bag was a little bag with condoms and lube. In case you did not notice but my age is 66 and some of my casual partners are my age and lube is a important part of intimate play. 

Enough suspense, I lubed up my cock and hand and started stroking my already erect self. My mind wanders and a out of body fantasy hastened my arousal. I am a little vocal in my masturbation with some multi-tonal moans. I climaxed and started to relax in my bliss when I heard some applause similar to what you would hear at a golf tournament. Note: the only sense more acute that the arousal when covertly masturbating is ones ears. I looked up the hill and there was a group of women with binoculars, apparently a bird watching group. 

I was super embarrassed and packed my bag and hiked out of the Arboretum and back home.

I hope you enjoy this admission and story


Posted on: 2023-09-02 18:01:01 | Author: