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NYLON the WONDER Material

Geez, mine will probably be the shortest on here, But here it goes... Ever since I was a Teen, I have Loved to wear my Mothers and  now my Wife's underwear... Well I used to wrap Their Nylon Panties around My Cock and Jack Off that way, then I started Wearing Their  Nylon Panties and rubbing My Cock thru the Panties (which is My #2 Fav way to Jack Off) =  But the BEST WAY EVER  is to wear your Nylon Panties (always full cut, more nylon), and OVER them put on a Nylon Slip, Oh, getting those TWO Layers of Nylon Rubbing Your Cock is Just  THE  BEST  FEELING  EVER ,  at least for Me...   Hope You try this and let me know if You enjoyed it ...

Posted on: 2022-10-06 18:01:01 | Author: