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The Tipsy Neighbor

I am not much of a good writer. Nor a party goer since been busy from that time. This story is not mine but that of a good friend and neighbor. I was kinda bedridden and had a cold at that time so I rested up and having some lime juice to sooth my throat. Everyone was out except for Carl who had a headset on and wasn't able to hear the doorbell. I motioned him to see who it was thru the door peep hole. It was our next door neighbor and family friend asking for some extra ice, if we had any extra ice. We had a refrigerator and just bought a medium sized freezer and it was filled with some ice making containers, freezed dried french fries and frozen meat stuff.

I asked Carl, my cousin, to see and tend to his needs. I had the windows opened because the house was kinda stuffy so I could hear some of the neighbor's commotion. (It's hard typing on a phone as my laptop and other gadgets broke down). So to make the story short, there was like a wild nudist party going on. Allen was inviting us but he knew my condition and Carl wasn't allowed to leave me. Allen filled me in about the juicy detail the following weeks, when I was much better. I will try to write much better next time.

Posted on: 2021-10-30 00:01:01 | Author: