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Push Out Method

As you feel the orgasm coming on, conduct that same contraction as if you're forcing pee out real hard.  Push.  And try and hold that push throughout the orgasm.  At the same time, keep the stroking to a moderate pace.  Don't speed up.  

What happens here is the PC muscle is in a completely relaxed state, then as you orgasm it involuntarily contracts with each orgasm contractions, taking the muscle from complete relaxation to complete contraction over and over.  This is where the patience and practice comes in.  Being able to "try" and hold the push throughout an orgasm is not easy.  But it is fun.  

The result, once you get it down, is a longer orgasm, especially from onset to peak, it's agonizingly pleasurable, and for me it results in more cum, due to the longer orgasm.  And, it's more intense.  

I've found it's easier to hold the push when laying on my back, with souls of the feet together in a slight butterfly position (your legs are parted, knees bent, and bottoms of feet together, but still on the bed).  Don't know why, but it helps. 

Let me know if you try it and what you think.  

Happy orgasms.  

Posted on: 2020-10-09 00:01:01 | Author: