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Succeeding at an Experiment

I visited with my friend who I get together with every couple of months.

We finally succeeded in an experiment that has intrigued me for a long time. Years ago, I had read about a wife who squeezed her husband's balls long and hard. It squeezed the blood or fluid out, and his testicles became soft and flabby for a few minutes, until the fluid returned. I've always been fascinated by that, and have never found anything else in the literature about such a thing. I tried it a couple of times before with my friend, but we quit before any noticeable results. I explained it to my wife a few years ago, but she was absolutely opposed. She was worried about damaging me in some permanent way. Perhaps her fear is well-founded. Nothing bad happened to me, but maybe this isn't something you should try. Or, get a full medical exam first, letting the doctor know what you plan to do, so s/he can check out your testicles thoroughly.

Today, I had my friend squeeze my left testicle long and hard. It was slightly painful, but not bad. I had him get me close to orgasm with his other hand, so he could squeeze harder, and I wouldn't notice the pain so much. He kept squeezing. After a good three or four minutes, It was starting to hurt pretty much, so I asked whether he noticed any softness. To my astonishment, he said 'yes.' I then felt my own balls, and there was no doubt that the one on the left was smaller and squishy. I was so delighted, I had him continue. I'm not generally one who is much into pain, but this pain was worth it. It did start to hurt quite a lot, yet it was also almost orgasmic. A minute or so later, it really was unbearable, so I had him stop again. This time, the testicle was even more deflated. After a couple of minutes, it returned entirely to normal, and there was no pain or lingering effect at all.

Oddly, later, when he was working on me (our main thing is exchanging extreme edging handjobs), I was missing the ball squeezing, so had him do it a bit more, but since the focus was now on extended orgasm, he didn't squeeze as hard or as long.

Then we did the usual things: We're both very much into trying for extended orgasms. We both hit our goal today, although not exceedingly so. He had me come once after perhaps 45 seconds of orgasm, but it was light. He kept going on me, and it felt good, and a couple of minutes later I ejaculated again. I brought him to orgasm several times in which he had contractions, but nothing came out. One time, a couple of drops came out. Finally, he came big-time. He didn't stay in continuous orgasm however, like me, he kept peaking. Of course that's nice also.

On our best day, we each managed to stay in continuous orgasm for three or four minutes straight. In case you're not aware of the technique: You bring yourself very close to the state where you'd ejaculate, then you stop or reduce stimulation, over and over again. But unlike ordinary edging, you start up again right away, after one or two seconds. So, you don't let the pre-orgasmic feeling subside very far. With practice, you hit the orgasmic state, contractions and all, but nothing comes out, and you can stay there. Theoretically, you could stay in orgasm for as long as you want, but in reality you usually slip over the edge, or recede back after a minute or so. However, the more you practice, the more your body seems to understand what you want, and it actually becomes quite easy to stay in orgasm for a while. Give it a try by yourself or with a friend.

The picture above shows the very testicles that my friend squeezed.

Posted on: 2019-05-26 12:01:01 | Author: