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Oiling it Up

No matter what the pretext, the routine is always the same. The difference is just the trigger: it can be unexpected or planned.

It always starts with a few random fondling of the penis over the pants, until things turn moistened down below. In most cases, overstimulation produces a wet spot that spreads rapidly through the fabric and ends up drenching my underwear, before I can take the matter in my own hands.

Anyway, at some point I open my zipper and grab my cock by the shaft, wrap it tightly in my hand and start to pump, up and down, in a slow but steady pace. Usually, I do it sitting, reclined on my desk chair, facing the computer where I find the suitable stimulation to accomplish the job.

The only noise you can hear is the cyclic squishy sound of my foreskin sliding over the glans, fully lubricated.

Now is the right time to pay due attention to the amazing goo oozing from the glans. Its appearance is that of a transparent gelatin that remains attached to the open slit at the tip of my cock through an extensible string, when you try to remove it with your finger. As you keep pulling it out, the little hole keeps providing this yummy jelly-like stuff.

The amount produced depends on the extent of the edging process, i.e., on how long you can manage to alternate between full arousal and total limpness, being its maximum achieved in the limp phase, just before orgasm. And the lubricant is all the more abundant the closer you've been to ejaculate.

The leaking goo gathers at the top of the glans. When it's almost overflowing, you must remove it, wrapping it around your index finger until the viscous string breaks and gets separated from the tip of your cock. Now you are about to taste a real treat: lick the yummy jelly and enjoy.

I often repeat this routine as many times as I can before I lose control and fully surrender to the inevitable orgasm, the longed-for/postponed ecstasy moment that, after all, is the ultimate purpose of such complex drill of self-gratification.

In a context of deprivation, the challenge is all about testing and improving your skills on self-control, pushing the limits of your resolve until you finally collapse, and basic lust takes charge of the whole procedure, leading to its irreversible ending.

This struggle intensifies the production of pre-cum and the tasting of this delicacy works as an extra stimulation, impelling you to completion but also urging you to postpone it, prolonging your enjoyment through the edging process until you finally let go.

Posted on: 2019-03-15 00:01:02 | Author: