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Winter Introspection

There's no end to the motivational, self-help articles regarding winter "introspection."  Some of the more common topics they address are:  What does your body need to feel healthy?  How can you find calm in the midst of chaos?  What helps you to feel balanced emotionally?

And for any passionate masturbator, these articles seem to avoid addressing one of the best ways of "getting to know" one's self:  masturbation.

Those of us who unashamedly love our own bodies know the importance and benefits of of our activity.  Indeed, for us, masturbation is truly part of our "total wellness program."  We masturbate when we're happy and when we're blue.  We masturbate for celebration and for rejuvination.

And in a time when - like perhaps never before - what is really true and genuine is being overshadowed by deceit and counterfeit, we masturbate for yet another reason: to connect with that which is true and good, and to preserve our own sanity.

So, during these bitter cold months, when we're driven indoors, let us look deeply into ourselves and reaffirm what we know is good.  What is restorative. What is essential.  What is life-affirming.

Posted on: 2019-01-27 12:01:01 | Author: