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Learning to Masturbate

I was at a boys only boarding school in the North of England when I started to go through puberty. I was in my last year at the school before going on to secondary school. Everyone in my class was 13 years old.

This was in the early 1960s, so it is probably fair to say we were all a lot more innocent and less well informed than boys of the same age today.

For sleeping accommodation we were split up into bedrooms with about six boys in each. When I went back to school after the Christmas holiday I found myself in the same bedroom as I’d been in the previous term and with the same boys, except for one who had been replaced by a new starter at the school. The new starter was called Martin, and thought he was in my class, he looked a bit older than the rest of us.

So, the first night back we were all in the bedroom and starting to get undressed ready for bed. Suddenly one boy shouted out ‘Wow, look at that’, or words to that effect. He was looking a Martin who was standing there in just his unbuttoned shirt. I turned to look and couldn’t help spotting straightaway that Martin had a very prominent penis poking out from a full bush of pubic hair.

It was easily as large as the many adult ones I’d seen in the changing room and showers at our local recreation club back home. My own penis, though now starting to get quite a bit bigger with puberty, was nothing like Martin’s and I only had a few sparse pubic hairs starting to appear.

We all crowded around Martin to get a better view and boys were all shouting ‘Get out of the way, let me see’ and so forth. The effect of all this attention on Martin was that his penis started to get even bigger. Within 30 seconds he was fully erect. We all just stared at it in stunned silence.

It was the first time in my life I’d ever seen an erect, effectively fully adult, penis. I thought it looked absolutely amazing and was more than a little envious. My own penis was definately starting to react to the spectacle!

Martin started a trend. In the bedroom each evening we would undress and compare penis size and pubic hair growth. Some boys were more mature looking than others. As I recall I was about in the middle of the bunch.

A couple of weeks into the new term, while we were in bed with the lights out, Martin started to tell us about masturbation. I’d never heard of such a thing and I don’t think any of the other boys had either. He described in detail how to do it and what it felt like. He also tried to describe what an orgasm felt like, though he probably didn’t know the word as he didn’t call it an orgasm.

As he was telling us about it I found that my penis had become hard, so I tried stroking it under the covers. Although it felt nice, nothing happened.

The next weekend I found I had nothing I was supposed to be doing for an hour or so. I’d been thinking a lot about what Martin had told us, so I slipped into a toilet cubicle, pulled my trousers and pants down and sat down on the seat. I was very quickly erect and stroking my penis. For quite a while I experimented with different grips, strength of grip and speed. It took a good ten minutes before I started to feel some real pleasure. What I was feeling was quite different to anything I’d experienced before. I could feel it not just in my penis, but all over my body. It look at least another ten minutes before I reached the point where I could tell I was right on the edge of something. I kept going until it happened… and then wow!!!

When I came out of the toilet cubicle I was convinced everybody in the school knew what I’d been doing. It took me a while to realise that they actually didn’t.

I don’t think I produced a huge amount of cum that first time, but what a discovery! I didn’t do it every day to start with; it had taken a quite a while and I didn’t always have the opportunity. However, over the coming months I started to practice more and more. By the end of the school year I could nip into a toilet and be back out again in two minutes, having cum into the bowl and flushed the evidence away.

The other boys in my bedroom obviously all followed a similar path. Over the rest of the school year we all physically developed quite a lot. We continued to compare penis size and pubic hair growth and some of us started to catch up with Martin! We often got erections during these comparison sessions, but we never touched each other or masturbated openly. We did masturbate in the bedroom, but it was always under the bed covers. I used to do it into a cloth handkerchief which I kept in my bedside locker.

After the summer holidays I started at my secondary school. Unfortunately there were no intimate bedroom comparisons at this school, but I did of course continue to masturbate at least once a day; usually in the toilets during break.

I still masturbate regularly even now, though perhaps just a couple of times a week. Although these days I have plenty of opportunity and places I can masturbate, I sometimes still enjoy slipping into a toilet cubicle!

Posted on: 2018-04-03 12:01:01 | Author: