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My First Time

I have enjoyed so many first time stories here, that I felt it was time to give back, hope you all enjoy!


     I grew up in a suburban neighborhood in Calif.  My best buddy Jim lived across the street and we went to the same schools, elementary through high school.  This would have been in the late 50's early 60's.Probably We were around ten  or 11 and as kids do, we got bored easily.  There was a canyon back behind my house and we would play in it a lot, exploring, fantasizing about army, everything.  At the very bottom we built a fort that was pretty much secluded from the surrounding area,  inside we made a comfortable floor out of leaves and an old blanket. Not entirely sure how we got started, but it turned out we both had an incredible attraction to each others' genitals.  We ended up playing for hours with each other, coming up with various games, with sexual punishments for losing. At that age of course, neither one of had come to puberty, and our knowledge was very limited.  I remember just sitting on the floor playing with each others erections, and how good it felt.  As time went by we moved up to junior high school where there was a lot of interest about sex, and talked about it a lot, knowledge however was still lacking.

     A year or so later, my parents decided to move, bit we stayed in the same town, different house a few miles away from each other.  Before we moved, Jim and I were playing with each other in the house, and Jim had begun to start puberty.  We were standing next to each other, I was tickling his erect cock and could see small, thin curly black hairs around the base of his penis.  He made sure I paid attention to them!  Meanwhile I had no hair, just the start of some blond peach fuzz on each side of my penis.  At this time I was about 3-4 inches cut, like Jim who was a little bigger than myself, and his scrotum was fuller than mine.  Why I remember that I don't know, but it has stuck with me all these years.  The strange thing then was that he wanted me to stroke his penis up and down a lot, and he really liked it!  I of course did it for him, but was unsure why it felt so good to him.  It didn't have the same effect on me. It seemed like not too long after that we moved and Jim and I kind of drifted apart.  We talked in school, but never got back into our playing. As of course time goes on, and I reached that stage, I grew hair, my penis got bigger, etc.  One evening my parents went out with some friends for dinner and I was alone.  I remember laying on the bed, playing with my new pubes and larger stiff penis, when holding it with 2 hands, thumb and fore finger each, going up and down with such an incrdible feeling that started in my testicles, then moved up my cock the faster I stroked!  Then of course, all of a sudden I had this fantastic spasm that resonated through my swollen cock and some fluid (thin milky cream colored) actually bubbled and spurted out of my pee slit!  I looked at it in amazement, rubbed it around, it was in my hair and still oozed a drop or two out.  I lay back, somewhat in shock as that wonderful feeling subsided, and my nice erection began to deflate!  After cleaning up the little bit there was, I went out to the living room, turned on the tv and began to put it together.  From what I knew other older kids had alluded to, sex ed class it finally dawned on me!  This is how you get babies, this is what the kids talked about, jacking off.  Wow. Thus started a life long fascination with penis', scrotum's, and masturbation that has lasted since.

Later on I told Jim at school my experience, he just smiled and said he would come over next week, and we could talk about it more.  My next first came when he came over, and we discovered the joys of mutuality.  That will be my next story


Posted on: 2017-03-27 06:01:01 | Author: