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Just the Three of Us

Like I believe has happened with many straight males when they are young teens, I had jacked off with a few friends at different times. Rob was a close friend and we had jacked off together many times.

This episode was recalled because of a commercial for Clorox Bleach that shows two brothers taping "distance lines" on the bathroom floor.

One summer day Rob and Vince and I had been hanging out and riding bikes. We had taken a quick swim in Rob's pool, and been laying out in the sun drying off. We were just talking about typical things. I remember one topic was what high school was going to be like.

"One cool thing is that in high school ALL the girls have boobs," said Vince.

"As if you cared, you haven't even had a girlfriend," said Rob mockingly.

"Just because I have not yet had a girlfriend doesn't mean I don't want one," was Vince's retort.

"So what would you do with a girlfriend anyway?" I asked. "Hold her hand?"

"We would fuck and fuck and fuck," Vince told us.

Rob and I joked a bit more with Vince and then asked if he had any idea how to fuck. To be honest, I thought that maybe, just maybe Vince had done IT and I wanted to know. Our talk continued a bit and with all of us giving each other a bad time.

Somehow or other Rob disappeared into the house and came out with a couple of obligatory Playboy magazines.

Soon all three of us are getting aroused and making comments about the beautiful women and their great boobs. In those days Playboy did not show any bush or vagina, but to three 14 year olds the bare boobs were soooooo wonderful. We were all making comments about how we would like to do things to those women or have them do things to us. Soon we were all shifting around trying to hide our stiff dicks.

We moved into the cabana area and soon we were all three rubbing our crotches. I do not recall who dropped their swim trunks first but soon we were all three sitting there totally nude with our dicks in our hand. Rob and I had jacked off together many times before, neither of us had done it with Vince. All three of us were in that "average size" of about 6 inches. In fact the only time I had seen Vince's dick was when we got out of our street clothes and into our swim trunks that day. Back in the 60's, at least here in California, we all had to shower after physical education class every day and they were just large community showers. You would see about 100 different guys every day (and wonder what it looked like next door in the girls showers!)

Soon we were jacking and we decided we would see who would ejaculate their semen the farthest. Now we are all standing up, next to one another, almost shoulder to shoulder. It did not take long and Rob and I are shooting. I do not remember which of us shot farther, but then our attention was turned to watch Vince to see if he would pass us up.

You could tell by his actions he was just about there. The look on his face. Then it happened. He began to dribble out his dick, just oozing. Wait, he was not dribbling, he was coming, and coming, and coming. It did not shoot like we did but Wow! did he have a HUGE amount of cum!

I would estimate that at that time I would typically ejaculate about 2 tablespoons of semen. Hey, I did not scrape it up and measure it! Vince, on the other hand, probably had about a large serving spoon full of semen. Probably 4 to 5 times what Rob or I ejaculated. Rob and I were amazed. Now in these days I have seen vids of what are called heavy cummers and none of them would come close (pun intended) to the amount Vince produced.

He said that was the first time he had jacked off with anyone else. I never had another JO session with him. I don't know if he did with Rob.

In high school we all ended up with our various girlfriends. I can tell you this, if his girlfriend enoyed the taste of semen, she totally loved Vince!

Posted on: 2016-11-16 12:01:01 | Author: