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First Times Are So Memorable

This is my recollection of the afternoon my very first orgasm occurred. Yes it was self induced but was very much more than what I expected.

It was a late Sunday afternoon, October and not many weeks past my 14th birthday. I was left home alone because I was still getting over a cold. I felt healthy but mom was taking any chances. At this time I had a very good understanding of what sex was, that it was something pleasurable and something teenage hormones demanded to fulfill some kind of way. I had been given the book "Everything you wanted to know about sex (but were afraid to ask)" the year before so I knew something was supposed to feel very good. I even tried this thing called masturbating as described in the book, but the description was vague on the technique (so was my dad's brief description too), so all I felt during the brief attempt was an extremely intense tickling sensation. I stopped and went to bed. However on this afternoon I had been reading a somewhat pornographic book I had confiscated from my younger sister and was very soon experiencing one of those near painfully hard erections only the young males can get.

So I determined in my young mind that I wanted to somehow recreate what I was reading about. So off to the bathroom I went, off with my pj's, and with my young dick pointing straight up and straining I took a seat on the throne and began to really explore my hardon with interest. Since the book was describing being inside a woman I figured the best way to simulate this was to wrap my hand around my dick, the stroking motion I began seemed the most natural move to make. I recall thinking how hard this part of my body felt, and that each stroke had a pleasant sensation every time I rubbed up, over, and down the swollen head. And the color was so dark, and reddish-purple. The feeling was nice but I knew there had to more to it. I thought more about what I read and what was described about the wetness of the woman, so, not understanding exactly what that wetness was, I used water from the nearby sink faucet to "wet" my hand.......WOW! I know water is not a very good lubricant but it made a suddenly huge difference in what I was feeling what each stroke. Each pass over the head of my young dick quickly went from a pleasant warm tickle to an almost electric shock that started in the head and went all the way to the pit of my stomach. In no time I was completely focused on the strong, unfamiliar, intensely pleasurable sensations that were coming from my entire groin area. There was heat, electricity and something I still can't describe to this day, other than just feeling really, really good! As the water lube would wear off, I would reach over and re-wet my hand and pick up my stroking again. Looking back on that, it was probably as close to edging a first time masturbate could get to. I don't know how many times that happened...I lost all sense of time. Just focus on this growing feeling in me. Since I had no real clue about orgasms and only a vague knowledge that something was supposed to happen I just kept enjoying this completely new set of feelings in my body. I remember feeling hotter and then like nothing else was around me but this vibrating tightness growing in my legs, groin and belly. At some point my eyes closed and then it hit. The tightness exploded and I felt like a wave of the best feeling I had ever had flood over my body. I felt the contractions in my dick and balls so strongly it almost hurt, as ejaculated for the first time. My eyes were shut tight so I didn't realize that's what was happening. I don't know if it lasted as few seconds or minutes, but when every thing finally slowed down and stopped buzzing and vibrating, I opened my eyes and let go of my dick and saw what I had done. I looked at the semen smeared on my dick and hand. I remember thinking so this is semen. Then I noticed the globs that were on the floor in front of me, some about 5 feet away (oh to be able to bust a nut like that now lol). And the scent something like bleach. And I felt really good, and like I finally accomplished something great. I cleaned up and went back to my room relaxed and to contemplate what had happened.

30 minutes later I wondered if I could do it again......So I did. And the rest is history, especially after I discovered the much better lubes that existed. But I never could duplicate the absolute focus and complete surrender to the experience again after the first few times. The knowledge of what's coming has removed the surprise factor. But its still good, whether by my hand, my woman's hand or what ever else we are using at the time. Imagination goes a long way.........

Posted on: 2016-02-10 12:01:01 | Author: