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Selfloving - The Begining

Rating: 4.00 (6 votes)
Date Submitted: 9/19/2007
Category: Too Hot For Solo Touch

Category: Female-Female (FF)
Submitted by: MarthaP Age: 46 Gender: Female

Found this site through my 16 year old daughter -
I think it's great people can share and not feel
alone with thier desires !

I am a recently divorced mother of two - My daughter is sixteen and very beautiful - she is just beginning to develope but she is going to be a knock out -(this story is about her) My 14 yr. old son is tall for his age and very athletic - he too is about to hit puberty and will fill out nicely (his stories will come later)-I am very proud of them both ! My daughter lives with me and my son lives with his father - this has allowed my daughter and I to have a little more freedom with nudity in our house and most the times all doors are open - except this one time - I got home from work a little early ! When I came into the house I could see my daughter was home by the book bag and sneakers by the door - what I was to find next was more suprising - as I move down the hall towards my daughters room I could hear her music on and saw her shorts on the floor followed by her panties then shirt and bra - my first thought was- "OH NO SHE'S GOT A BOY IN THERE" !- and her door was mostly closed - As I reached the door my heart was jumping out of my chest - I slowly pushed the door open slightly - just enough too see in - expecting the worst !! But I was blessed with a very pleasing sight - It was my daughter sitting totally naked in her big computer chair with her legs pulled up with the glow of the monitor on her tight body - I could only see her from the side but I could tell she was rubbing between her legs-letting out a little moan now and then-and her young nipples were hard and cherry red- I could also see she was reading a story from Solotouch-(that's how I found this sight)!
I didn't want to embarass her- so I quietly backed down the hallway and went outside - feeling
a little horney by what I saw I went next door to talk to my neighbor ( she also has a sixteen year old daughter) and we share everything ! More about this later - MarthaP

Posted on: 2019-04-12 16:00:02 | Author: