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A Night With the Boy Next Door

Category: Female-Male (FM)
Submitted by: cvf. Age: 17 Gender: Female

I had been friends with a boy on my street for about ten years. Let's call him Mason. Now Mason and I grew up together playing video games and what not even though we never attended the same school until ninth grade. One night after a band competition, he came over my house to eat and hang out. We sat down on the floor in my back room discussing our futures and how I didn't want to leave everybody when I went away to college and such.

After talking for about a half an hour, we fell asleep on each other. We were sitting next to each so my head was on his shoulder and his head on mine. I woke up and suggested we go to bed so my mother doesn't' find me asleep with a boy at midnight. I led him to my bedroom (his hand in mine) and we laid down on my bed, facing each other. He wrapped his legs around my thigh and I couldn't help the moist feeling that was developing between my legs. I was going to sleep with someone. Not sex. I always wanted to fall asleep with someone.

He ended up wrapping his arms around me and I did the same, making my hand reach to his head, running my fingers through his short hair. We drifted in and out of sleep for four hours or so. At about 430am, we had been kissing for a few minutes when I felt something growing between us. He clasped my hand in his and guided it to the bulge in his pants. I started feeling him through his pants, excited for the large surprise I knew existed underneath (from a previous oral experience). He unzipped his pants as I wrapped my hand around his thick shaft after lubing my hand with my own juices and started pumping my hand over him, slowly at first, but gaining speed as I reacted to his body language. He started shifting uncomfortably as he grew closer and closer to orgasm. He stuck his hand down my low cut shirt and started massaging my breasts, tugging on my nipples as he saw fit. A small groan came out of my mouth and he replied with a deeper one. He shot his load onto my arm, four clear ropes as he convulsed from pleasure. I scooted down on my bed and cleaned up the small mess on his chest with my tongue and excused myself to cleanup. When I returned, we slipped back into sleep.

The next morning, he left to go back home, thanking me and kissing me.

We have never talked about it.

[lb][i]This story was originally submitted to Solo Touch and not published because it violates the rules.[/i][rb]

Posted on: 2019-08-18 00:00:02 | Author: