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Sore, Part 1

[i]Author's notes to WL readers: This fic was completed in the time between the publishing of Half-Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows and is therefore not canon to Rowling's work even though it is set in time after Seventh Year. It was written for a fan fiction site that was geared to the steamier side of HP fan fiction (some of which can be found here on WL), but that site is now basically defunct. So I thought I would post it here in the hopes that some of you would enjoy it. It is long enough to be considered a novella and I am therefore breaking it into several parts for posting. mr. ek[/i]

"I'm sore."

As Ginny raised her cup of Lady Grey to her lips, she glanced at her girlfriend of more than ten years. They were sitting in the half-moon shaped sunroom of Harry and Ginny's manor on a brisk and breezy fall morning, not unlike the fall morning three years before when Voldemort had met his demise at the hand and wand of her mate. Time had healed the wounds bourn by those who had fought the Darkness and their days were now spent exploring a world unhaunted by the spectre of Dark magic.

She considered Hermione's comment before responding. Their Saturday morning horseback ride through the forest and grounds surrounding the manor had been exhilarating, but not long enough to be seriously strained from posting (riding horses was a compromise for Hermione's aversion to brooms, thestrals, hippogriffs and the like). Ginny always found the saddle unexpectedly effective at "putting herself to rights" after a night of deeply satisfying sex with Harry. She wondered if Hermione experienced a similar effect. She decided to query after the remark, in case she was misinterpreting the meaning.


Hermione did not meet her friend's gaze. Unusual, that. Especially for the self-confident Head of the Department of Magical Creatures. Hermione stirred her tea and absently cast a warming spell on the cozy. Then she shifted in the lavender velvet Louis XIV arm chair and crossed her shapely legs.

"Well, yes," said Hermione, edgily. She shifted in the chair once more and looked at Ginny as if judging her friend's ability to deal with a troublesome kneazle. "Erm, you and Harry engage in a fair amount of lovemaking, don't you?"

Ginny erupted in laughter. Only Hermione could initiate a conversation by stating something so utterly obvious, and in such a prim and proper manner. Since Harry's seventh year, the amorous behavior of "Mr and Mrs Potter" had been a popular topic of gossip amongst Hogwarts students and staff alike. However, the magical abilities of the pair far surpassed any efforts to find them out whilst in the throws of passion. No getting caught in broomcupboards or vacant classrooms, these two. Nonetheless, the twinkle in each other's eyes and the unapologetic demonstrations of emotional and physical affection had been unmistakable to anyone, even the acutely myopic.

It came as no surprise that Harry had asked for Ginny's hand in marriage the moment she was of age. Mr and Mrs Weasley had had a strong suspicion that Harry and Ginny had promised themselves to each other some time before this; beautifully matched promise rings had appeared on their fingers, as if an invisibility charm had been lifted, immediately upon Molly and Arthur granting their consent to the marriage.

As her laughter abated, Ginny wiped the tears from her eyes and caught her breath. "Sex, Hermione," she stated flatly. "Harry and I have lots and lots of sex." She smiled warmly at her friend to let her know her mirth was genuine, not teasing, as was her love and friendship. Continuing to prompt her friend, she said, "I take it then that you are not referring to muscles sore from riding here?"

Hermione sighed and gazed wistfully out the windows and let her focus rise till she was taking in the soaring height of the room. A cold front had passed, and rays of sunshine alternately blazed through the room and winked out again as puffs of cumulus scudded low but swift across the sky. She sighed again and said, "No, my muscles are not what's sore."

A silence passed as Hermione seemed to gather her courage. "So...." She hesitated once more before continuing, "When you and Harry ... have ... sex, do you get ... well, sore?"

Ginny smiled inwardly at her friend's hesitance. Although the marriage of Hermione and Ron had not lagged even a year behind her union with Harry, neither Hermione nor Ron was as open about their affections, preferring privacy for intimate moments. [i]This discussion could be bound for regions uncharted,[/i] she thought, and made a promise to herself that she would make it as easy as possible for Hermione to be open and frank about whatever was bothering her. She thought it best to try leading the conversation along.

"It depends," she answered. "Certain positions can be particularly rough on various parts of the body." After a moment of consideration, she added, "Then, shear duration can have effects that take some time to fade."

Hermione's eyes were wide, but not so much from shock, Ginny thought, as perhaps, anxiousness? She decided to continue taking the lead. "After an hour, or perhaps even half an hour, a spread matrimonial position causes not just my hips, but Harry's as well, to get quite sore. Depending on the surface, it can be somewhat hard on his knees, too."

"An hour?" Hermione said in the barest of whispers, eyes wide.

Ginny smiled gently. "Yes," she replied, "it's one of Harry's many strengths. He has considerable staying power, if you will."

Hermione's eyes remained locked with Ginny's. Ginny waited as she watched the thoughts process in Hermione's brain. [i]Must be careful not to overload her too quickly,[/i] she thought.

After a time, Hermione broke the silence with her next questions, asking them with only a slight pause between. Looking down, she asked quietly, "Spread matrimonial? Depending on the surface?"

[i]Oh dear,[/i] thought Ginny. [i]Have Ron and Hermione not even read the Joy of Sex? This may be more difficult than I thought.[/i]

"Well," she began, "I'm not sure if 'spread matrimonial' is the most up-to-date name for the position, but it is certainly the position we find ourselves in most frequently. I'm on my back, but my legs are way up and back, and spread as widely as possible. Harry is on his knees with his legs also spread widely, so that he is coming in from very nearly straight above, with his hands either on the backs of my knees, pinning me downwards, or tucked under my shoulder blades to hold himself up. I am very 'open' this way, and his penetration is very deep. And as far as surfaces, let's just say that berber carpeting is murder on his knees, but Egyptian cotton on a well-padded mattress is alright even for our longest sessions, whilst Persian silk rugs are somewhere in between. I would not recommend either wood or stone flooring for any length of time."

Hermione was looking at Ginny again; her expression was less anxious, and more than a bit curious. [i]So far so good,[/i] Ginny thought, [i]now to narrow in on her concerns more closely.[/i]

"I find posting in the saddle an excellent means of keeping my thighs and hips both conditioned and used to this position and others as well. Do you?"

Hermione blushed furiously. [i]Bother. Wrong direction,[/i] thought Ginny, but she waited for Hermione to respond.

"I can't say I feel the same about riding, Ginny," Hermione replied after a sip of tea. "For one thing, that position isn't ... well, we don't do it that way." She paused and ran the tip of her ring finger around the rim of her cup. Taking a breath, she appeared to be summoning her courage to continue. She seemed to decide to plunge on and said, "Frankly, riding actually has the effect of making me quite, I don't know, ... excited?"

Her shoulders slumped and she sighed. "Sometimes I feel like I may have a pee all over the saddle," she added quickly and faintly, staring at the dragon woven in the Chinese rug in the center of the room.

Ginny considered her friend thoughtfully and decided a bit more information was needed. Waiting until she caught Hermione's eye and could hold her gaze steadily, she queried, "Hermione, when you and Ron make love, do you reach climax?"

"You mean orgasm?" Hermione asked.

Ginny nodded.

"Oh yes, Ron always has an orgasm," she said earnestly.

Ginny cocked her head. "No, I meant you. Do you reach your orgasm?" she asked.

They stared into each others eyes for a moment before Hermione dropped her gaze again. "I'm not sure," she said. "I'm honestly not sure. It feels very nice sometimes, but I really wish I could be sure."

Ginny moved closer and took Hermione's hand in both of hers. Looking her square in the eye she said "My dearest Hermione, if you are not sure, then I am almost certain that you have never been taken over the top."

Hermione stared at Ginny with her mouth slightly open and a look of apprehension in her eyes. Ginny continued, "I suspected as much when you described your feelings about being in the saddle. I think you have much sexual tension built up within you, but it is not finding release."

Tears welled in Hermione's eyes and Ginny drew her into a deep hug.

"I know," Hermione said, "it's just so hard to admit. Ron is very caring for me when we ... make love, and I love him very much. I really do. Oh Ginny, what in the world is the matter with me?"

Ginny cupped Hermione's cheeks with both hands and steered her to look steadily into her eyes. "Listen to me, Hermione, there is absolutely nothing the matter with you, and you must not allow yourself to think so. I am a firm believer that [i]all[/i] women can be orgasmic, given the right set of stimuli."

She sat back and drew herself up straight as if accepting a challenge. "All we have to do is find your personal set of stimuli."

Hermione seemed to garner some strength from the posture of conviction her friend had adopted. She looked at Ginny with a mixture of trepidation and expectation.

"Now," said Ginny, "What's sore and why?"

Hermione blushed and dropped her gaze again.

"Hermione," Ginny prompted, "there is nothing, believe me, [i]nothing[/i] you can say that I am not prepared to handle. Sexually speaking, Harry and I have been to the moon and back. And we continue to branch out in ways that amaze us, and I think we always will. Part of being able to do that is to accept yourself as a sexual being and know that being so is good, normal and right. Once you are fully comfortable and aware of this, truly astonishing and wonderful things will occur whilst you engage with your partner." She waited for Hermione to digest this and respond.

A gust of wind blew an explosion of autumn color past the windows.


Hermione stared at the dragon again. A Chinese Fireball. She smiled as she thought of Harry and the Hungarian Horntail. What a brave boy and man was Harry. And how lucky was she to be his friend, not to mention her best friend's mate. He had led them all in the defeat of the vilest dark wizard of their times. And then he had taken Ginny to the moon. And back. There must be something she could learn from the two of them to help her find the bliss they enjoyed. She resolved herself to get as much benefit as possible from the experience of the resourceful girl sitting right in front of her. [i]And who knows,[/i] she thought, [i]maybe Ron will benefit as well.[/i]

She turned to look at Ginny and saw that she was being watched closely. "Alright," she said, "what hurts is my ... well, opening."


"Opening?" Ginny prompted, sensing an opportunity.

"You know, my, my ... vagina," she struggled out.

Ginny nodded understandingly, but added; "Vagina is anatomically correct, you know, but not really a very nice sounding word. Especially when discussing it with your lover. I much prefer pussy or cunt, depending on the mood or situation."

True shock set into Hermione's face.

Ginny grinned widely at her friend's expression, knowing that she had let these words fall easily and naturally from her lips, and suspecting that Hermione has probably never audibly uttered them.

"Mood or situation?" Hermione said in a barely audible voice after a silent space.

Seizing the opening, Ginny nodded emphatically. "I like to [i]ask[/i] Harry to please lick my pussy, but it is much more effective if I [i]beg[/i] him to fuck my cunt," uttering the first phrase with coy sweetness, the second with husky, needy desire. "Do you hear the difference?"

Hermione's reaction and expression were priceless. Ginny waited until her friend had appeared to recover somewhat, and then prompted again, "Could you hear the difference?"

Hermione nodded after a space, blushing again, now that the blood that had initially vanished from her face crept back.

"That," said Ginny, "is part of the nuance and art of making love; knowing your partner's triggers and gauging just how and when to pull them for the greatest effect." She paused, thoughtful for a moment, before continuing. "You know, it is a little like the way Harry took down Voldemort. Knowing and judging how Tom would react to provocation, and then using the spells in the way that would have the most devastating impact."

She looked back at Hermione. "So anyway, is the soreness just at the opening of your cunt and is this from fucking?" she asked with practised ease.

Hermione nodded, looking a little resigned at having to get used to hearing her friend talk like this. Appearing to be determined to retain at least a bit of her dignity and grace, she responded, "After making love it's all raw and sore. Sometimes so much so that I deny Ron, which makes me feel very guilty, as he wishes to make love nearly every night. He is a dear, though, and does not protest if I deny his request."

[i]Damned good thing, too,[/i] thought Ginny, [i]or I'd have to do something about the prat's behavior.[/i]

"Is this due to my brother being exceptionally well endowed?" she asked.

Hermione shook her head. "No, I don't think so," she responded. "Of course I don't have anything to gauge by, but it has never been uncomfortable, although it does feel quite 'full'. Remember when I said that it does feel quite nice?"

Ginny nodded.

"That's one of the things that feels good, being full."

"Okay," said Ginny. "I think we can rule out size incompatibility as the culprit, although I wasn't inclined to think so in the first place. The vagina, with proper preparation of course, is capable of stretching an amazing amount. I mean, Merlin, we have to give birth through there don't we?" She smirked a bit at this. She and Hermione had discussed their plans for children and were both firmly of like mind that they would wait a few years before embarking on the parental journey. After all, witches and wizards were accustomed to life spans nearly twice that of Muggles, so what was the rush? "So what do you think is causing the soreness?"

Hermione blushed again, but responded without too much hesitation. "I think it has to do with all the friction caused by the hair," she offered.

Ginny nodded and her thoughts drifted fondly to memories of a few years before.



"I'm sore."

She felt Harry roll from his back to his side and put his arm lazily around her torso.

"Mmmmm," she purred, "that feels nice."

She felt his hand drift in a slow caress across her midsection, past her belly button, and across the ever so soft region of her lower tummy...
An imperceptible growl took the place of the purring. She could see him waving his hand frantically in the air, as if trying to shake off the smarting sensation. His eyes had flown open at the sound and sting of the slap and he looked at her. She furrowed her brow in warning, giving him an intense look that was not matched in the mixture of shock and puppy-dog hurt in his eyes. They stared at each other like this for two seconds... four seconds ...

She burst out laughing. Rolling away from him she curled into a ball, holding her stomach as she continued to laugh uncontrollably.

"What ... what in bloody hell?" she heard him say. She continued to gasp for breath, unable to respond just yet.

Finally able to uncurl herself and roll back to look into his eyes, Ginny took in the mixture of incredulity, hurt, worry, even a hint of fearful anger, and reached her hand to caress his cheek. "You must learn to pay attention, my love. When I said I was sore, it means, under no circumstances, even the threat of Dark Wizards, are you to approach my pussy." His eyes softened. "But your expression was worth galleons," she added playfully and broke into giggles again.

An hour or two later, the newlyweds were on the sofa in the sitting room of their suite, Harry's arm thrown around her shoulder. They gazed out the window as a light snow fell on Central Park. Their monogrammed bathrobes tugged close, Ginny's long, damp tresses were wrapped in a towel and piled high on her head like a turban.

They had selected the Plaza Hotel, not only for its location (which was grand), but for their mutual attraction to Eloise and her stories. They made the Plaza and its environs feel vaguely British and homelike whilst they honeymooned in New York.

Ginny sighed, and Harry shifted her in his arms to look into her eyes.

"What is it, love?" he asked gently, dropping a few kisses on her forehead and cheeks.

She gave him a lusty look and then sighed again.

"I'm still really keen and would like to have you in me again, but like I said... I'm sore," she replied.

"I know what you mean," he said in response.

She twisted to look him more directly, raising an eyebrow inquisitively.

He unknotted his robe and flicked it open. Reaching down, he held his cock to one side and then the other, revealing the redness along the lowest inch or so of his shaft.

"Mm," she murmured in an understanding tone. "Yes, that matches the location where I am most sensitive, were we joined up at the moment." She opened her robe as well, spread her thighs and waved a hand vaguely in the direction of her pussy. "It appears to be caused by all this fur."

"It gets more aggravated when I take you from behind, like last time," he said.

She nodded. "It seems that I do not stay as wet that way, as well... which probably doesn't help the situation." They folded their robes around themselves again and returned their attention to the snow, which continued to drift down in gentle flurries as the sky purpled into dusk.

"Well, since we obviously aren't going to fuck again in the immediate future, let's dress and go to that restaurant the bell captain recommended, Harry... what was the name?" she asked.

Harry groaned. "Cipriani," he said in a resigned voice, "Harry Cipriani, and you're only suggesting it because of the name thing."

Ginny smirked. She jumped on top of him, straddling him with her thighs as her lips met his. Her tongue plunged into his mouth and she moaned in the back of her throat. They kissed for a long time, reveling in each other's taste and texture.

Breaking the kiss, she drew a deep, satisfied breath and replied to his rhetorical statement anyway, "Of course, my love. You see, anything that reminds me of you just sends me. Now let's go, I'm feeling very peckish."

And she stood, grasping his hand and pulling him with her towards the armoire.

A short time later they emerged from the lobby and as Harry moved to steer them right, toward the restaurant, Ginny pulled to the left.

"Our reservation is not for another hour," she said. "Let's wander around a block or two this way."

Harry smiled and pulled her close as they ambled west. They turned away from Central Park at Sixth, then left again, working their way back towards Fifth Avenue. They window shopped as they went, pausing occasionally to look at the Muggle luxuries and extravagances.

Ginny slowed, her attention drawn to an elegant townhouse signed as the J. Sisters International Salon. Harry's hand continued to tug at hers. She acknowledged his lack of interest in such an establishment and resumed their casual pace.

Later, as they sipped Limoncello di Capri following a sumptuous meal, Ginny queried, "Did you see the advert in the window of the salon we passed as we walked over here?"

"No," said Harry, "What did it say?"

"It said 'Brazilian waxing'," she said. "I wonder what that means. I mean, I've heard of waxing as a means of removing hair from one's legs, but I wonder what 'Brazilian' means?"

Harry shrugged his shoulders by way of response. "The only Brazilian thing I have any familiarity with was the snake I set on Dudley before first year." They laughed merrily, as Harry re-told the tale.

The next morning, they took a stroll around The Pond. It was cold and the surface of the water was frozen. Their breath steamed when they spoke and their noses and ears were red. Ginny felt wonderfully alive as they found themselves back on Fifth Avenue approaching 57th. Struck by a thought, she steered Harry right and they approached the salon again.

"I'll just pop in and ask about this," Ginny said, waving a hand at the advert in the window. She left Harry standing on the sidewalk and skipped into the salon.

A few minutes later, Ginny solemnly reappeared at Harry's side. She looked up into his eyes, opened her mouth to speak and then shut it again with a snap. She slid her hand into his and turned to walk in the direction of the hotel, trailing a surprised Harry behind her.

"What is it, Gin?" she heard him ask, but she remained silent. She felt him step up his pace to walk closely beside her, squeezing her hand in reassurance.

Back inside their suite, they wordlessly settled into the sofa in front of the window. It was snowing lightly again.

Ginny looked at Harry and finally broke the silence, "They take it all off, Harry. All off."

"Take what all off?" Harry asked, looking completely lost.

She waved her hand over her nether regions and repeated, "All off," and made a final swish of her hand as if brushing away a fly.

Harry still looked clueless. She stood up and swept off her tight denim slacks, taking her knickers off as well in one swift motion. Standing in front of Harry, she looked down at her rosy red bush and tugged softly on the curly tuft just above her hood.

"Brazilian waxing removes all of the hair, Harry," she said. She lifted one leg and put her foot on the table and stroked her hand through the length of her cleft. "That would feel so unusual," she noted, as if to herself, as she continued to watch her own hand stroke over her pussy.

She suddenly became aware of the effect she was having on Harry. He was staring with intensity at Ginny's hand work, his own hand squeezing at what was obviously a very hard bulge through his own trousers.

Their eyes locked and Ginny asked, "Still sore?"

Harry shook his head emphatically.

The couple did not come up for air for the next hour or so.

Later that afternoon, they were taking their tea at the Palm Court when Ginny brought up the subject again. "What would you think if I was entirely bare, Harry?"

Harry looked thoughtful. When he spoke, he looked a bit sheepish. "You know," he said, "I've seen completely bare witches in PlayWizard magazines." He seemed to be considering his opinion of bare pussy. "It does have the effect of making them look, er ... younger," he paused again thoughtfully, then said "I'm not sure I would be keen on having you look underage."

After a pause he added in low tones, "I am rather partial to the shape and color of your pussy just as it is. Not only that, but your bush captures and retains your scent, and I definitely don't want that diminished in any way. You smell intoxicating, you know."

Ginny considered this. She was aware of how much Harry liked to nuzzle into the tuft above her clit as he licked her. Frankly, she was rather partial to her own scent, she admitted to herself. [/i]More than partial[i], she thought, [/i]I downright love it.[i]

She was becoming aroused again. [/i]We need to do something pretty soon[i], she thought.

"You're right," she agreed, with an almost wicked gleam in her eye, "Let's just stroll around to that salon again and ask a few questions. Then we need to get upstairs." She lowered her head as far as she could whilst still retaining eye contact with Harry. Looking up through her lashes with her eyes darkening, "I'm getting really horny again," she said.

Harry needed no further prodding. They exited the Palm Court and walked rapidly to the salon. Once inside, Ginny located the woman she had spoken with previously.

"May I help you?" the woman asked with a smile.

"Yes," Ginny said, "I have a few more questions about waxing. First, you mentioned complete hair removal. Does it really all have to go?"

"Oh not at all," the stylist replied. "Many women, ... and some men," she added with a glance at Harry, "Elect to go with a trimmed triangle, runway stripe or vee above." She tilted her head thoughtfully. "I had assumed from your British accent that you were interested in going completely bare. I understand it is still a difficult service to find in England, something about hygienic concerns. I assure you we are fully licensed. In any event, we do serve many British women who make the trip to New York specifically to obtain a complete waxing."

"I really wouldn't know about that," admitted Ginny, "But it's nice to know there are options."

"So would you like to give it a try? As it happens, I have an opening right now." the woman prompted in her best New York sales voice.

"Oh, no thank you," Ginny said a little too quickly, "But could I schedule a time tomorrow? We leave for London in two days time."

"Let me check my bookings," said the aesthetician, disappearing behind a counter. She reappeared a few moments later and said, "I can take you at either ten or two tomorrow."

"Ten o'clock, then," replied Ginny and she turned on her heel and grabbed Harry's hand. "My name is Ginny, Ginny Potter," she said over her shoulder as they made their way toward the door.

"See you in the morning, Ms Potter," said the woman to their retreating backs, but Ginny was already nearly at a run in her haste to get Harry back to their suite.

Near noon the next day found Ginny walking briskly back to the Plaza. She had elected to wear a dress cut just above the knee to her appointment. Her fur-lined overcoat was cut just below. She had intentionally left her knickers tucked in her clutch, and was finding out for the first time just how effing cold it could get down there without any hair or knickers. The feeling was positively exhilarating, though. [/i]I can't believe how naughty I feel[i], she thought. She couldn't wait a second longer to be in Harry's arms and she broke into a light trot, her tall heels clicking brightly, as she neared the entrance to the Plaza. The doorman smiled widely to her as she swept into the lobby. She figured she was probably glowing shamelessly, but could not possibly care less.

Through the door and into the suite she flew. She kicked off her heels and dropped her overcoat to the floor as the door closed behind her, then sprinted the length of the room. Harry was emerging from the double French doors that led to the bedroom when she collided with him. He was clad only in his dark green silk boxers that had been a bachelor's present from the twins. [/i]Sweet Merlin, thank you Fred and George![i] she thought. The sight of his shirtless chest and powerfully built legs only added fuel to her fire. She threw her arms around his neck and legs around his waist. The force of her impact propelled them backwards and she landed on top of him when his knees buckled upon contact with the king bed; their lips locked tight.

Straddling him firmly, she continued to kiss him fiercely, tongues lashing and occasional contact of teeth. Working her dress up around her waist, she pressed herself hard against the straining bulge in his boxers. The feel of the silk against her highly sensitised and bare pussy was thrilling, but the freshly waxed areas alongside her labia were not quite ready for this much direct contact. She broke the kiss and gave Harry a bit of a pleading look. Harry seemed to read her mind as she felt his hands cup her arse and begin to pull her upwards. She inched her way quickly toward his face, keeping her dress hitched up as she moved. She watched him lick his lips as she settled herself astride his upper chest, slightly raised on her knees as she felt his mouth capture her lappets. She needed to come; very, very soon. And come she did, as Harry sucked and licked her, she pressed herself hard into his mouth, squirming and wiggling until she fell forward onto her hands. As her climax left her twitching and shuddering, she collapsed further, rolling off him to one side and listened to him take rapid, deep breaths. [/i]Oh dear[i], she thought, [/i]he probably couldn't breathe at all.[i] As she regained her own breath, she started to chuckle until she was laughing and shaking uncontrollably, her mind giddy with delight and pleasure.

"So, ... it went well then?" she heard Harry chuckle as he picked up her contagious mirth, rolling to look at her. The sight of his soaked face and chin only made her grin and giggle all the more.

She moved to straddle him again and propped herself up on her hands to look down at her love. She tried to toss her hair out of her face and found she had to sweep her tousled tresses from her brow with her hand. She pulled another offending lock from her lips and tucked it behind her ear.

She nodded earnestly in reply. "Now to take care of you," she said.

They stood and he helped her out of her dress as she stripped off his boxers. She snickered as she felt the wet spot on the front. As she stood after removing them completely, she located the spot again and brought it up for Harry to catch a whiff. He sniffed appreciatively whilst looking her straight in eye.

She laughed and they tumbled back onto the bed. Arranging herself on her back near the head of the bed, slightly propped up on her elbows, she let her legs fall widely open, displaying her beautifully styled cunt. She had elected to retain as much of her triangle as possible, whilst still keeping the bikini lines clear. Below the hood of her clit nary a strand was left. She lay back, pulling her legs up with her hands behind her knees until her arse was fully exposed as well so that Harry could appreciate this fact.

She was rewarded for this bit of naughtiness only a moment later as Harry's weight came onto her and she felt him plunge in; her cunt offering very little resistance; being absolutely soaked, completely bare, and panting to be fucked. She felt the insistence of his desire as he moved to pin her legs to the mattress and spreading his own legs to mount her forcefully. He began to thrust and she met each thrust as hard as she could from her pinned position. They captured each other's gaze and their pace increased, every thrust resulting in full burial of his cock in her deliciously smooth and wet cunt. Soon the smacking sound of their passion filled the room and their ears to the exclusion of all else.

They reached their peak simultaneously, Harry grunting as he pumped hard to fulfill their need; Ginny whimpering with every thrust as her climax continued unabated. Harry continued to thrust inside her long after she was sure he had spilled all he could into her, and still her orgasm continued; spasm after spasm. Eventually they slowed and went still. Spent, they collapsed together.

"Oh, you," she said as she wrapped both her arms and legs around Harry's body. "I can't believe what you do to me."

"Me?" he said breathlessly, "Not me, you."

And they continued to hold each other and bask in the glow of their warmth and wetness.[/i]

Author's footnotes:

The place names and locations in New York were accurate at the time of writing.

Posted on: 2021-08-11 16:00:01 | Author: