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Category: Male Techniques (MT)
Submitted by: ~anonymous Age: ~not given Gender: Male

Over the years I have tried a variety of techniques. One of the most interesting is Electro-Stim. Electro-Stim, directly stimulates the nerves in the genitals. This produces feelings in the penis and prostate that are not possible with manual techniques.

The there are several medical grade devices available on the net. These include TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulators), and erotic stimulators. The professional units use a Low Duty Cycle, which provides a safe level of stimulation. In addition, these devices are battery operated to prevent accicental electrocution.

The TENS unit is designed to deaden nerve impulse and treat chronic pain. These units provide a repetitive frequency stimulation that eventually suppresses nerve response causing temporary numbness. However, the stimulation caused by these devices is similar to that of a conventional vibrator, only more intense and feels like it is inside you. Conventional vibrators can also cause numbness from over use.

Erotic stimulation devices attempt to minimize this numbing effect by varying frequency and amplitude. This constant changing sensation is very intense and does not cause numbing like conventional vibrators. I have found that using an erotic stimulation device has actually increase sensitivity during normal manual masturbation and sex.

E-stim can be overdone, just as any technique. I have seen recomendations of 2-3 times per week max on e-stim. However, I have chatted with others who use these techniques every day.

The unit I have has several different "programs" to choose from and controls for amplitude and frequency. Increasing amplitutde, causes a squeezing sensation, changing frequency moves the sensation to different locations or causes a slight pulling sensation.

I usually start with the stroke setting which causes a stroking sensation from my prostate to the tip of my penis. There are controls that allow you to speed up or slow down the stroking sensation. After a few minutes of this, I'll switch between the various settings until I'm ready to cum. At this point, I use one of the Phase settings, these cause varying frequencies to be sent from the prostate and the penis tip electrodes, causing a unique moving sensation up and down with a little twist.

I vary the sessions from time to time. Sometimes I let the e-stim do all the work and cum hands free, other times, I'll move the electrode to base of my cock and stroke my penis lightly with my hand. Occasionally, I'll combine the e-stim with a small conventional vibrator. This can be extremely intense.

If you are interested in e-stim, I strongly recommend looking into the professional, 'Made for Play' units. There is a lot of 'Do-it-yourself' information on the net, but unles you really know what you are doing with electricity, I would urge against this. It only takes a few millivolts across the heart to kill you.

I will admit, I did a few DIY, projects to learn more about e-stim, but I quickly switched to a "Made for Play". I learned a lot about frequnecies, amplitutde and wave forms, but this knowledge came after a lot of shocking experiences and a few burns.

[lb][i]This story was originally submitted to Solo Touch and not published because it violates the rules.[/i][rb]

Posted on: 2005-06-06 05:00:01 | Author: