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Best Orgasms

My best orgasms happen when I masturbate while watching a video of an amateur couple having sex. I start out with my robe on over my naked body, watching until my cock is hard. After a few minutes, as I like to prolong the pleasure, I put a few drops of coconut oil on the tip of my cock, and as the man on the screen is inserting his cock in his lady's sweet pussy, I make a fist around my cock and slowly immerse it in the slippery oil.

When I begin that delicious climb to my orgasm, I throw the robe open, spread my legs and then, as the cum begins in earnest, I stand up. Standing at this final point, just before shooting my cum, enhances the orgasm. I look down at the cum and alternately watch the couple fuck. I make the orgasm last as long as possible.

I may be older, but masturbating is a wonderful pleasure for me.

Posted on: 2003-12-01 00:00:00 | Author: