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Weird Experience

I had a strange experience the other day and wondered if other men have had similar ones.

I've always had a desire to cum without touching my cock. Or, rather, not from touching my cock. I had it happen the other day, but there was something very surprising about how it happened, and I wonder if other men have had similar experiences.

A lot of men talk about "edging". That may be what I enjoy doing, but I'm not sure. My "technique", if you want to call it that, is a bit different from what others report. I like to get myself to a very high state of arousal, where I know that I could cum pretty quickly, if I wanted to do so, and then just kind of stay there. I'm not really consciously masturbating. Rather, I'm reading stories or looking at porn, and maybe just squeezing my cock, or lightly rubbing the head, or something like that. I'm not stroking, at least not in anything like that way I would be if I were trying to get off. I'm just enjoying being really highly aroused.

The other day, I did this for a very long time. I spent some time catching up on stories on and here, and looking at porn. There were a couple of times when I was right on the verge of cumming. It would only have taken a few strokes, but I didn't do it. After a while of that, I decided I was ready to cum, but I wanted to do it while watching a video with my favorite theme: a woman masturbating. I also took another toy. It's a long leather strap with lots of snaps. Used by itself, it works like this: You wrap the strap around your cock (if you're a guy!) and snap it closed, as a cock ring; that leaves long straps on both ends, which you can then wrap around your nuts in various ways and then snap back onto the main part. Blowfish called it "Infinite Possibility", which was a very good name. This day, I decided to use it in conjunction with another one. I snapped one end of it onto the ball-stretcher and then wrapped the whole long cord around the shaft of my cock and then down again, and snapped the other end back onto the ball stretcher. The result was that my cock was basically encased in the strap, with the base of my cock firmly held by the cock-ring part and my balls pushed down and apart.

Once that was all done, I set to watching "Alexi" get herself off. I find her really hot, so I was quickly getting hot and bothered myself, but I basically couldn't touch my dick, even if I'd wanted to do so: It was wrapped in the strap. I guess I could have squeezed myself a bit, but I didn't even do that. After several minutes, though, I suddenly felt a series of quick throbs from deep within, and I knew I was on my way to cumming. Two throbs, and then a rest. Two more, a little harder, and another rest. Two more, a little harder, and another rest. And then, all of a sudden, a stream of completely clear fluid erupted from my cock. It was precum, I assume, being expelled from my over-loaded prostate, but the weird thing was how powerful the stream was. It was like I was peeing, and it continued for maybe a full second. And then, a second or two later, the more familiar contractions began, and I was ejaculting that familiar milky white fluid.

It was an intense orgasm, all the more so because, still, I couldn't really touch my cock. But as the contractions lessened, I realized that I wasn't done, and I tore the strap off from around my cock, immediately started stroking myself, and had a second orgasm and ejaculation just moments after the first had ended.

All in all, I'd have to say it was one of the more fully satisfying (pairs of!) ejaculatory orgasms I've ever had. But the initial pee-like stream of pre-cum was something I've never experienced and have not even encountered in my extensive online "research". Has anyone else ever experienced or heard about something like it?

Posted on: 2004-09-05 23:44:42 | Author: