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My First Masturbation At Age Eight - Part 2

Here is the rest of the story to My Masturbation
At Age Eight.

Looking back now over fifty years ago, I think that my cousin did not expect me to orgasm as
quick as I did and thereby probably just thought
that I was just not used to these intense feelings
which could have been the reason that he did not
stop stroking my penis when I first requested him
to do so the first time, as his continued stroking
of my penis made it real sensitive for a short
while as I found out later on that a Boy learns
very quickly that he cannot go beyond his orgasm.

Since my cousin had done reached his puberty, it
probably took him much longer to reach an orgasm
than it did me, therefore he was expecting me to
last longer than the (I guess) minute or two at
the most that it took him to bring me to my orgasm. Although this is a very variable situation among men and boys, I was always quick
on the trigger until I got to be a much older man.
So I guess that my cousin simply did not believe
me when I began asking him to stop as it was becoming unbearable when he finally did respond to
my second request.

When my cousin turned my penis loose, it had already lost it's erection, which always happened
in the ensuing years immediately upon reaching my
orgasm as it fell back to it's normal resting place, lying motionless in exhausted solitude in
silent repose on it's blanket of little pinkish
balls from whence it came. As I continued to lie
there for a few more seconds trying to regain my
composure and considering this brand new experience that had just taken place, I then got
up and pulled my underwear and pants back up as
fast as I could and fixed my clothes back as I had
a fear of an adult coming into the house and catching me with my clothes almost off and wanting
to know what is going on as getting caught is always a boy's worst fear, although I never was
caught in the years that followed, but came very
close on many occasions.

This is a true account of my first sexual experience as well as I can remember it from
over 50 years ago and it left a permanent impression on my young mind as the reader can tell, however, I must say that I enjoyed this
event immensely and I have wished many a time that
I could be Nine (9) years old once again and
relive this experience. I will always be thankful
to my cousin Curtis for showing a litle boy one
of the greatest pleasures of this life, and even
though he has been gone for a number of years, I
trust that we will meet once again in the sweet bye and bye.

Posted on: 2004-02-25 21:06:30 | Author: