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Book Review (Check this Out!)

I had to use one of those "bad titles" at least once. This is a review of a book that I just read which has potential interest for everyone who reads this site.

The book is called The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. It's new. It's a murder mystery but it's really an expos? on the church's coverup of the Goddess and sexuality. I'm reluctant to say much else about it, except that I stayed up nights all weekend reading it and trying to ignore my friends at a conference I was at. There is a lot of juicy and accurate art history, some great extended scenes in London and Paris, and a lot of action -- but what you learn is astonishing. It goes under the general heading of "the hidden truth about the world." Please let me know how you like it. If you've read it, please don't say too much in the comments section. Also I hear it got some shitty reviews, the writers of which can kiss my ass. This is a fun book, worth the paper it's printed on, which is saying a lot!!!

Posted on: 2003-05-28 16:04:37 | Author: