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What You Can Learn About Your Self

I have found that my self-pleasure has changed as I have gotten older. The style and methods have altered from the early days of guilty pleasure.

Now days I just go for the pleasure and experience, and skip the guilt. A much more satisfying situation all around. Now that I am older and have some more experience, my "ritual" has gotten more involved and varied. Clothing and toys have been included. Also, the element of time. Its so much more satisfying to prolong things.
If I find myself in the mood, it usualy begins with a shower, and shaving my pubic area. That smooth feeling is a great turn-on in its self. Then its to my special drawers of panties. I really get going with the feeling of tight smooth fabric against my cock and balls. After all, why should women get all the fun? Its really a kick to go out with a group of friends, knowing you are wearing a very soft and outrageous pair of panties. My favorite type at the moment is the thong. They are very comfortable, and they stimulate in many intresting places. Women friends seem to be very understanding when confronted with me in one of my special pair.
After and evening of walking in public with my private little secret, I am usualy very turned when I get home. More on this later. One question, ladies, if you were to discover that mr. wonderful wore nicer panties than you, would you find this exciting, or disturbing?

Posted on: 2003-05-17 19:03:33 | Author: