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Back When I Was Limber

I'd worked the evening shift at a fast-food restaurant in Houston, Texas; I was between my junior and senior years of high school. I was driving my first car at the time, which had fairly dark tint on the windows. For some reason, I was of the belief that if the tint was dark enough, there was no way to see in--irrespective of how light it was outside of the car. Perhaps it had led to me being some jerking off in my car on one or more occasions... Who knows? Anyhow, on this particular evening, I was feeling particularly horny. Of course, when all you do is masturbate, feeling horny can only lead to one thing--masturbating. Rather than drive home, I drove to the north end of my subdivision. At the time, there were a number of undeveloped streets at the northwest end of the subdivision. I pulled into one of these streets (a cul-de-sac, or at least a dead-end street) and climbed into the back seat. I remember pulling my pants down around my ankles and whacking off. How long it took, I don't know, but it dawned on me that I had no way of disposing of the ejaculate. That could lead to only one of two scenarios--ejaculating all over the back seat of the car (which would make a mess that could take some time to clean), or ejaculating into my mouth. I bent myself over and got the head of my penis into my mouth in time for the ejaculate to start shooting. After about 15 to 20 seconds, of course, I had a mouthful of some extremely hot ejaculate. I leaned over and opened the left rear passenger door. Putting my head outside the car, I began spitting my cum out onto the ground. Right about then, a jogger went past on the road near the car. Does it look a little peculiar to have a teenager sticking his head out of the door of his car spitting semen onto the street? Uh, yeah! Especially when that teen is by himself. It wasn't the only time I've been able to ejaculate into my own mouth; maybe I'll share some others some time.

Posted on: 2019-03-30 08:00:02 | Author: