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Scrap Yard

by Guy I am 18 and this happened 6 years ago i have a friend named Jerry me and him were good friends where we live there is a kinda dump where they put old machines and these wooden boxes we called it the scrap yard when we first found out abought it we would spend all day looking in boxes of mettle finding all this cool stuff that day we had an idea to make a fort or something there we looked around and then at the boxes these boxes were abought 5 ft by 5ft by 5ft and they were stacked on top of each other ushly abought 4 so we started breaking boards and make kinda of tunnels from box to box cus they were side by side and made one part where there was 3 boxes into one room kinda we would go there and kickit and look at porn until one day he had some other kinda of porn it was gay porn i asked him what the hell was that he said that he found it in his uncles drawer being 12 i didnt rely know much abought gay sex so i was crueruis and asked to se it it shoued these huge cocks and guys bing fucked and this white stuff coming out of there cocks i asked what is that stuff and dosent that hurt the guys buthole he said he didnt know and he would ask his uncle tomorrow so we went home and the next day we met there and i asked him well what did he say he told me that his uncle said where did you get that and told him that he would tell him if he would suck his cock and he did Jerry said that i tasted weird he told me everything i needed to know i asked him if i could try it on him he said yes we bolt got complete naked and i told him to do like the picture doggystile and spread your knees apart and your cheeks i eased up behind him and eased my cock in his tight ass as he tilted his head back and yelled o my God it hurts it hurts i started pushing harder and faster at this time we were bolth covered in sweat he was crying but seemed to enjoy it then i felt this felling it felt so good i cant describe ti and i stooped pumping and pulled out and sawl the cum run out of his ass i scooped it up and tasted it it was good we got dressed and went home this wasent the only time we fucked at the scrap yard

Posted on: 1999-11-03 16:58:57 | Author: