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First Time In Car

I was 18 when I j/o for the first time in the car. I was never told anything about sex and was left on my own to discover its truth. My self discovery was heading along pretty well when I discovered new ways to enjoy the same old pleasure and I was willing to try just about anything short of getting caught. Getting caught was the bottom line; if doing it had the least risk then I went limp at the idea. One hot Summer's day mom's friend arrived to take us on a journey to the harbor. The ride was about an hour and I had the back seat all to myself. I didn't even have a thought of doing it except for the feeling that began to grow as I momentarily looked down upon my jeans. A bulge began to grow right before my eyes, my mouth began to water, though my lips were growing dry. The swarming warmth of my thighs brought the thought to my head, and I said silently to myself, "geeze, not now!" But there I was in the back seat of a Chevy station wagon with a hungry man's desire and only a misplaced tire iron ridding next to me. In the span of a moment I had an idea. Slowly I reached over grab the tire Iron which had been sitting in the Sun. I burnt my fingers but held the burning desire for relief. As mom and her friend talked on and on I put my leg up on the seat, length wise, and used my shirt to pull the iron over between my legs to rest upon my rock hard penis. Oh the instant warmth! Oh the weight of the iron and the rocking motion in the car of its hard surface. It was like instant pleasure grinding and rocking my member to pure pleasure. Closer and closer I came to releasing my load in my shorts. I didn't care about a wet spot, I had hidden them before. And I wasn't a kid anymore. I was an adult. I should have the right to do this. Any moment and I would have it, the thrill was intense as I sat back and breathed. And then as my hips began to convulse with pleasure and the rhythmic pulsating incited its full pumping of my seminal fluid, mom turned around to ask me about some silly idea or another. She gasped and said, "Henry, what are you doing?" Instant embarrassment overwhelmed me. The warmth of the ejaculation subsided but my red face did not. I could not think of a thing to say. The rest of the ride was very silent. Never again!, never again I thought. I will never be so foolish again. But the feeling of being pleasured by a hot tire iron was over the top....I would risk it again.

Posted on: 2006-02-15 19:26:47 | Author: