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It was the summer of 1968. Like all eleven-year-olds I looked forward to a vacation from school. The summer months always meant I had to spend time with the guys in the neighborhood. I had grown up with these guys and we all got along, even though we were all very different. Usually when the weather turned warm we would build a fort in the backyard and on occasion, camp-out. This summer Dad said "no" to the fort in our backyard. But summer wouldn't be complete without at least one or two camp-outs, so we built a fort across the street at Frank's house. Mike, Frank and I had hung out together for as long as I can remember. We had had many sleep overs before. I was prepared for staying up late for our first camp-out of the summer in the fort. Frank had christened the fort "Tyrone's Den," after a sex-starved, 'dirty-old-man'character on "Laugh In." In keeping with the theme it wasn't long before we had all sliped out of our pajamas. We started playing "you show me yours,..." and comparing sizes. Mike always won at sizes. Then Frank started to tell us about some things he had learned from his brothers. He told us how if you rub your dick just right sperm comes out. How incredible? Pee is all that had ever come out of my dick. Frank was making this up. Somehow we decided that we should try it. We were all naked, with our just-past-pubesent cocks standing erect. I was elected as the first victim. I laid on my back. Mike and Frank took turns rubbing my dick. They used one, or two fingers just below the head of my dick; right at the circumcision scar. One inch strokes back and forth was all there was to it. (Who would have thought a whole fist could do the job so much better?) They had to take turns because it took so long for something to happen. The rubbing felt good, so did the attention. The game seemed to go on, and on. It was all feeling very good. Then it started to feel very funny, a feeling from deep inside of me, vibrating. I didn't like it, I was scared. "Stop it!" So they did. I calmed down and the questions started. "How did it feel?" "What was it like?" I didn't know it kind of hurt, but it felt good too. Let's try it some more. It didn't take long before I was feeling the same thing again. The funny feeling, the vibrating. "Stop it! Stop it!" This time they didn't. Whoever was doing the rubbing was sitting on my legs and I nearly threw them off with my body convulsions. Some thing hot and wet hit me in the face and all over my chest and stomach. The guys reacted right away. "Wow!" "Cool!" "What is it?" I shouted. "Get it off me!" I was totally grossed out. They wiped up the mess. Calmed me down so that I wouldn't wake up the family in the house. They were really asking the questions now, but all I felt was embarassed. Their questions could wait, I just wanted to put on my pajamas to hide from my shame and go to sleep. They were taking another victim by the time I fell asleep. We talked and laughed about it the next day. They laughed more than I did. I didn't ever want to think about it again. But I did. I returned to the fort often and to Frank, and Mike's gentle hands too. I've lent them both a hand many times, sometimes both at the same time. It was a wonderful summer, I think about it often and I'll never forget "Tyrone's Den".

Posted on: 2000-11-09 02:23:02 | Author: