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Sharing Orgasms With Ken

By Ken and I had enjoyed several hot sessions together, and I looked forward to another while driving to his house that morning. My penis was half hard in my pants as I drove, and although I rarely secrete pre-come lubricant, I was excited by the thought of another encounter and this time I felt a drop of thick, viscous fluid crawling up my urethra. After parking in his driveway, I rang his bell and he opened the door immediately. As I entered, I noted that he was dressed lightly as I was, due to the hot summer day. We both wore loose open collar shirts and shorts, and as we hugged I let my hand drop to his crotch, feeling for the outline of his prick. It wasn't surprising that he was half hard as I was, and when we separated we quickly stripped off our clothing, eyeing each other's crotches as we did so. Ken's prick arced down from his pubic bone, forward of his loose sac, a smooth fleshy cylinder with a big bulge near the end, very much like mine. The outline of the big heavy helmet showed clearly through the hood, like mine. The main difference between us was that Ken had low hangers, while my scrotum was naturally tight against my body. I knew, however, that as he became excited his balls would draw up against his body. "I really like it, the way our cocks are so much alike," he said. "We're both uncut, and have big tips." Yeah," I replied. "It's nice the way the heavy ends make our cocks swing when we move." We were walking back towards his kitchen, our big-helmeted cocks moving from side to side as we walked. I saw that Ken had laid out a couple of ice-filled glasses, and several cans of Pepsi-Cola. Let's drink some soda before we begin," he said. "The drinks will cool us off, the caffeine will stimulate us, and by the time we get near orgasm, our bladders will be full. A full bladder always heightens orgasm for me. Does it do the same to you?" "Oh, yeah," I replied. "That really adds to the tension and makes it hotter. So does coffee, but soda is better on a hot day." We drank two cans of soda each as we spoke. "I like having a full bladder also because after I come, I can pee and rinse myself out. That way, I'm not oozing cream for the next hour or two." Same here. It's really satisfying to have a hot piss after coming." Ken got up as I spoke and walked slowly toward the bedroom. Ken stopped next to the big queen sized bed, and I bent over to inspect his treasure, noting that a big drop of clear fluid filled the pucker at the end of his hood. Obviously, he was excited by the anticipation as much as I was. "I love the way you smell," I said as I inhaled deeply. The rich and musky aroma of his penis hit my nostrils, and I took a deep breath, savoring the odor. It was a clean, fresh smell, and I knew without asking he must have showered just before I'd arrived. My thumb and forefinger grasped his swelling prick on both sides of the head, squeezing gently to provoke a responsive throb in his cock-root. "I'm glad I was born a boy and not a girl," he said between sighs of delight. "It's so nice to have a prick sticking out in front, in plain view and so easy to reach. So easy to touch……." I felt the same way, knowing that there's something special about having the pleasure organ exposed to view, attracting admiring glances in the locker room or nude beach. "Ever get the skin caught in the zipper?" I asked, as I pulled the nipple of his foreskin out and remembered when it had happened to me. "Oh, yeah, once or twice. It hurt, but not half as much if I'd gotten the head caught." I remembered the bite of the zipper's sharp teeth on my foreskin, and was glad they had never pinched my sensitive glans. "Yeah, it hurt, but I worked the zipper down and got free," I said. "It would have been far worse if I'd gotten the head caught." Now Ken's prick was majestically erect, the straight shaft standing out at 90 degrees from his body, the outline of his thick helmet clearly visible through the covering skin. Ken's prick had a straight shaft, like mine, and was a bit longer than my six inches. I pulled back slightly on his hood, bringing the long slit into view and seeing how the long lips were parted by a large drop of clear fluid. I touched the drop with a fingertip, quickly bring it to my mouth to taste its fascinating salty flavor. "Taste good?" he asked as he sat on the edge of the bed and reached down to my almost hard prick. His thumb and forefinger rolled the nipple of my foreskin, twisting it gently over the glans, because he knew it turned me on every time. "I love that taste. I'm glad you juice so much. You've got enough for both of us." I recalled times when Ken had let his prick drool lubricant onto my glans and foreskin to make them slippery as he stroked my prick. Now Ken gently eased my foreskin back over the quickly swelling glans, just enough to expose my meatus. "You've got a drop of lube too," he said. He touched it with a fingertip and tasted it. "Like it?" I asked, sure of the answer. "I just love it. You must have been thinking of this while you were driving over," he replied. "Yeah, I was, and I've been turned on all the time." Now his fingertip traced small circles around my orifice as his other hand held my foreskin back just enough to bare the round front dome of my glans. We sat side by side, working each other's hoods back slowly over the swollen heads, enjoying the hot stretchy feelings. "That feels soooo good," Ken said as I slowly stroked his skin back and forth in small increments, stripping it back slightly farther each time. "Good thing you lube so much," I remarked. Ken's skin slid a lot easier than mine because his slit was constantly oozing lube over the shiny purple head. "You need some of this," he said as he dipped his finger into the large drop that parted his cock lips and spread it on my glans. The effect was immediate. My foreskin stopped dragging and now slid smoothly under his fingers, baring more of my purple helmet. "Ahhhh, that feels really nice," I said, enjoying the erotic sensation as Ken slid my skin up and down my swollen tip. "You don't lube much, but your slit's a lot nicer than mine. It's like a teardrop when it gets hard." I knew what he meant. Ever since puberty, the lips of my slit had pouted when the head became engorged. Now I stretched Ken's foreskin even more, pulling it back so that the wide orifice was poised on the flaring rim of his glistening purple helmet. "I like your flaring rim. It's so much like mine. Now watch," I said as I slid his foreskin back farther, and we both observed it snap down into the deep groove behind the sexy curved corona. The voluptuous compound curves of his flaring rim turned me on, and I was glad he had an attractive cock-head, like mine. Ken had mine halfway back, exposing the round front dome, then he pushed it forward all the way so that it puckered beyond the head. He pulled back again, sliding it smoothly back until it covered only my rim. "Now you watch," he said as he pulled it back another millimeter, and the thick hood snapped back over the rim and into the neck of my penis to form a thick fleshy collar. He picked up another drop of lube from his weeping cock-eye and spread it around my rim, making the nerve endings tingle. I gasped at the sudden sharp sensation, and he tightened his fist around my shaft to compress my veins. I did the same for him, and now our swollen purple cock-heads stood out proudly in the rooms' soft light. "Lie down with me," he urged, and in a moment we were lying facing each other. Ken grasped my hand on his cock with his other hand and guided the two heads together, and I felt the delicious feeling of his glassy smooth cock-head sliding against mine. The lips of our slits kissed, lubricated by the flow of viscous liquid from his penis. I saw his scrotum tighten, until it looked like my tightly-drawn sac, and I knew his excitement matched mine. "Let me do something to you. This is what I like done to my prick," he said as he pulled slightly away from my body. He released my prick and spread a towel between us. Then he began tapping on the front of my glans with his forefinger, sending mild shocks through the nerve endings. Each time he tapped, the rough skin of his fingertip would slip slightly and rub my sensitive glans, sending hot sparks of sensation through the head and down my shaft. Added to that was the sensation of fullness in my bladder, which heightened my tension. "Ooohhh, that feels nice," I said as I relaxed and let him do what he wished to my prick. I kept my hold on his rock hard organ, slowly sliding the skin up and down to keep him excited. Now Ken shifted the focus of his taps, working around my flaring rim, first on the cusp, then on the back face where there was a denser concentration of nerve endings. "This is really reaching you, Jack. Your tip's turning darker." I knew that there was always a color change in my glans as I approached orgasm, and this was confirmed by a pleasant ache in the head, as it went into its final swelling and became even more sensitive. "I feel it…. I feel it…" I whispered as my sensation neared the peak. My eyes closed involuntarily. "Now I'm going to make you blast off," he said as his fingertip began tapping quickly on the underside of the head, digging deeply into the triangular groove studded with nerve endings. The mild concussions hit the surface nerves and reached down to hit the deep-seated ones as well. I felt my glans swell up even more and begin to throb as the maddening taps intensified. The ache in my tip suddenly turned into a hot tingle and I knew I was falling into the limbo where time stops and my whole world is in my cock. The tingly feeling in the head exploded as my cock-root convulsed, shooting the first heavy stream of sperm into my tube. The hot stream seemed to scorch my urethra as it rushed to the end, slamming through the lips of my slit to spew into the air. "Go for it!" Ken yelled as I grunted with each throb. I was floating, helpless in his hands, as his fingertip kept tapping on my throbbing glans, and another torrent of sperm gushed from my straining cock. I cried out in joyful agony as the hot sensations overwhelmed my consciousness, throwing me into a blissful nether-land where nothing mattered and nothing existed except my hot and throbbing glans, shaft, and cock-root. More jets spurted from my swollen tip, until I was utterly drained and my tip became hyper-sensitive. Each tap of Ken's finger now made me cry out in distress, and Ken noted this and stopped. I lay there in a daze, aware mainly of the heat in the end of my cock, still congested with blood, and waited for my hard-on to subside. Gradually it did, and I felt Ken's fingers delicately pulling my foreskin forward to cover and protect it. Finally I opened my eyes to see Ken looking down at me. "Looks like you had a hot one," he said. "You shot a foot each time." I looked down and saw the stream of juice cooling on the towel between us. It had been an intense orgasm, and now I wanted to reciprocate, to bring Ken to climax while enjoying his orgasm vicariously, as he had done with me. "I think I should go pee," I said as I got up from the bed. Ken followed me into the bathroom where I stopped in front of the sink. "We both pee in the sink," he said, laughing. Saves water. We don't have to flush the toilet, just run a little from the faucet." He stood next to me, reaching for my prick to uncap the head. He held my foreskin by the sides, so as not to compress my urethra. Once he had my foreskin halfway back, holding it in place with his fingers, I let go. My slit, now that my erection was down, had reverted to just a slit, shorter than Ken's, and I saw the lips part as the first drops pushed through it. "You slit pouts like mine when you pee," Ken observed. "We're a lot alike in many ways." My thick yellow stream arced down into the sink, running down the drain, as Ken turned on the tap with his other hand. It felt as if I was totally draining my body, but soon I was only dribbling a few drops. "Milk it down for me?" I asked. Ken kept my foreskin back clear of the slit and gently ran a finger up the underside of my shaft, from the base almost to the end. To get the last drops out, he squeezed the glans through the half-retracted hood until no more emerged from my slit. Then he slid my hood forward and led the way back to the bed. "Okay, Ken, your turn now," I said as I gently pushed him onto his back and spread the thick towel over his chest and abdomen. The fluffy material had absorbed my cream and soon would absorb his. Ken's rigid penis lay flat on the towel, and I picked it up with my left hand and began tapping the end of the big purple glans with the index finger of my right. "That's it, Jack. Oooohhhh, that just turns me on," he murmured as I continued tapping. I remembered that he enjoyed having me tug on his sac, and I shifted my grip to hold his shaft in my right hand, using only my index finger to tap the end of the swollen head. I grasped the skin of his tight sac with my left hand and pulled it down towards his feet, stretching the skin and the nerve endings it contained. "Hunh. Hunh. Hunh" I heard Ken grunt with each tap, and was pleased but not surprised that he was responding so well. After all, he'd told me that this was his favorite way of being stimulated. The lips of his slit were distended as he leaked a copious stream of fluid, lubricating my fingertip and making it slide with each tap. I knew exactly what he was feeling, as I'd undergone the same experience only a couple of minutes ago, and decided to follow exactly the same pattern he'd used on me. Now I shifted my grip slightly, tapping the broad upper surface of his big purple helmet while still tugging on his balls. His grunts grew louder, and I saw his legs begin to move slightly with each tap on the sensitive surface. I shifted the grip of my left hand again, holding and tugging his sac with the last three fingers while encircling the base of his shaft with thumb and index finger because I wanted his foreskin tightly back as well to put tension on his skin and gee-string. I squeezed the base of his shaft hard, not only to keep a firm grip, but to compress the veins and make his straining shaft and glans harder. The effect was immediate. His shaft swelled even more in my grip as the veins protruded, and the head of his prick became darker purple, filling out fully, and I felt the surface of his glans lost its spongy feel and became harder under my tapping finger. "Try to relax, Ken," I said. "Just relax and enjoy the ride. Let me do the work." Now I began tapping his rim at the top, knowing that this would increase his excitement as it had mine. His legs began trembling as he got closer to the edge, and I knew that despite his efforts to relax, his body was taking over. Now was time to let go of his scrotum and grip his shaft fully with my left hand, a tight fist that stretched his skin back and put enough tension on his gee-string to make the swollen head dip down towards his feet. The end of his big purple helmet dipped as I tugged on the skin, stretching the nerve endings in the frenulum, and Ken's grunts became louder yet as the hot sensations bored into his glans. His eyes had closed and I knew he was withdrawing into himself, losing his awareness of the world around him as his attention became totally focused on his straining prick. Now I tapped around the circumference of the rim, concentrating on the back-face that I knew was studded with the most nerve endings. The purple helmet was wet and glossy, and my fingertip slipped with each percussion, caressing the sensitive tissues and sending messages of joy to his brain. His stomach muscles contracted, and I knew it was time to bring him to the edge. I worked down to the vee-groove under the head, and began tapping the taut gee-string, lightly at first because I wanted him to enjoy the last stage before orgasm as long as possible. I knew that the feeling of anticipation was almost as enjoyable as the throbs of orgasm, and I wanted to keep him on the edge as long as I could. However, I also knew that his full bladder was adding to his tension, as it had done with me. He wouldn't be able to hold out longer than a few seconds at this stage. Ken's face was contorted now, his jaw tightly clenched, and he began rocking his head from side to side. His glans was totally engorged, and had become a dark burgundy color now that he was poised on the brink. He began thrusting his hips upward as I kept tapping the hot spot under the head, and I knew he'd explode any moment. "HAHHHHH!" he cried as the frenzy of orgasm took over. His cock throbbed hard in my grip as a thick stream of creamy liquid erupted from his tip, distending the lips of his long slit as it slammed through to arc over his stomach. His body shuddered, straining hard as his reflexes took over, and I felt his cock throb again as he shot another load. The thick white cream contrasted sharply with the dark purple glans as it spewed from the slit, landing on his stomach. I tapped herder, knowing that the rush of sensations would draw another hot jet from his engorged glans, and was rewarded a second later by another thick creamy jet. Ken's body strained as he blew another torrent of come, and his helpless cries filled the room. Now another gush poured from his slit, but with less force, dribbling instead of jetting, and I knew he was on the downhill stage of his climax. He was still convulsing but his tanks were approaching empty. The thick white cream poured over his glans, wetting my fingers and continuing down into his pubic bush. The next jet wasn't as creamy, and I knew it was mostly prostate fluid. The lips of his slit parted to release another gush, and I watched it ooze down over the wet and glossy head, following the contours and sliding over his rim to continue down his shaft. I stopped tapping and began to bump his foreskin lightly against the swollen rim, trying to drain him as much as possible. Now his slit stayed open, a steady ooze of mostly clear fluid seeping from it as his orgasm wound down. The throbs in his shaft were weaker, and I knew he was near the end. Ken gave a loud sigh, and I felt his body relax. I gently rolled his hood forward over his head, tugging to bring it over the still swollen corona that I knew would begin shrinking in a moment, and let his prick flop down onto his stomach. The aftershock of orgasm was taking over, and Ken began sinking into the same daze that I had felt as my orgasm had ended. I felt very gratified that I'd been able to give him the same experience and the same sensations I'd felt during my explosion. He opened his eyes to look at me. I smiled down at him. "Now I feel like I've really got to pee." He got up and went to the bathroom, ending up in front of the sink. I sidled up next to him and grasped his foreskin with two fingers, holding it by the sides as he'd held mine. His glans was so slippery with cream and lube that it slid back very easily, and when I had cleared his meatus he let himself go. I held his foreskin back carefully as his thick stream plunged into the sink, as I knew that if I'd let go the foreskin would have closed over the end of his glans and caused his stream to splatter. Suddenly I again had the urge to pee, as my bladder had refilled while I'd been bringing Ken to orgasm. I quickly lifted my penis and skinned back to expose the head, then relaxed my sphincter and watched my thick stream blend with his in the sink. "You had to go again, huh?" he asked unnecessarily. "Yeah," I replied. "That soda really went through me." When his stream stopped, I carefully milked his urethra as he'd milked mine, then drew the foreskin forward over the head. Ken pushed my hand away from my dick, and lovingly milked it down, squeezing the last drops from my slit. He dabbed at the slit with a piece of toilet paper, then drew the skin fully forward to enclose my glans in its natural sheath that tapered beyond the end of the head to form a sexy nipple. We went back to bed and slipped into sleep, thinking of our next adventure.

Posted on: 2003-05-20 23:51:28 | Author: