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Comparing Notes

Richard was a tall, blond, handsome cop. At 26 years old, he got shot in the upper thigh by a crazed meth addict, and once he recovered, he lost his nerve. He went to a shrink for a couple of months, but couldn't overcome of his fear in rejoining the police force, so he lost his career. Having been an amateur musician, he figured he might become a performer.

But that didn't work out. To supplement his police disability pension, at 28 years old, he took a job in a music store. In the store is a large private back office, with a sofa and a few chairs arranged in an oval where lessons are taught, and sometimes musicians jam after hours.

Richard (I don't know why he has to be "Richard" instead of "Dick," "Rich," or "Rick"), has a co-worker who everyone calls "Mouse." Mouse is a young man who is particularly small, perhaps 5' 4" and thin of build. Like many musicians (or wanna-be musicians) he keeps his curly hair quite long. Also, like many musicians, he stays up late, sleeps in, and so doesn't get much sun. His very white skin contrasts with his black hair.Mouse has a ready smile, a kind word for everyone, and is quite striking.

One day in the back room, Richard and Mouse were talking about stuff in general as they often do, and the subject of Richard's shooting came up. He said he felt lucky that he didn't get it in the balls. The wound which was only an inch from his testicles healed completely except for a reddish slightly raised area the size of a dime.

Mouse said that it was quite a coincidence that he actually had been shot in the balls. It turns out when he was a teenager, he and some friends were playing with a BB gun, and he took an accidental shot in the scrotum. It caused no damage. The ball was removed (the BB, not his testicle), and all that remains is a small lump that can be felt inside the scrotum.

Mouse then asked if they wanted to compare injuries. What a great opportunity for Richard! He had wanted to see Mouse's equipment ever since joining the staff at the music store. By equipment, I don't mean his guitar and his amp. And I'm sure Mouse had an ulterior motive as well.

So, hesitantly, they both pulled down their pants and sat side by side on the sofa. Richard pointed to his red mark. Mouse reached over and ever-so-gently touched it. Richard's cock stirred a bit. Mouse then boldly asked Richard whether he wanted to feel the lump. He did.

So, Mouse took Richard's hand and guided it toward his scrotum. Richard started gently pinching Mouse's scrotum between his thumb and index finger, and while it felt absolutely wonderful to both men, and both sprang raging erections, he couldn't find any lump.

Now, as Richard was telling me this story, then his cell phone rang and he had to answer it. Then a minute later, my phone rang. He never finished the dang blasted story! I'll let you know how it ends when I find out.

Posted on: 2015-08-26 00:01:01 | Author: