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CFNM Sweet Revenge With a Happy/Satisfying End For All (Part One)

Before I start I must say thank you to those who have encouraged me to write another one of my experiences. As mentioned in my first story, I have an absolute love of seeing the sexually aroused male and especially watching pre-cum ooze and drip and eventually the semen erupt from this awesomely amazing piece of flesh. While my eyes are feasting on this wonderful sight my mind is imagining what pleasure, agony and eventually ecstasy are going through his mind to allow this to occur - and I have been the one responsible for his state of mind. At times I wish I had one of my own so that I could experience this amazing pleasure. The only thing more potent and sexually invigorating and emotionally recharging than being involved with CFNM is to spend hours of mutual pleasuring and having "brain sex" with my husband (He knows my passion for him and doesn't mind me going off on my little escapades if or when the opportunity arises. Also I have only ever had intercourse with him.)

Enough of that - time for another one of my wonderful memories, at least they are for me.

This event occurred back in the mid 1980's when a couple of things came together at the same time in history - one was me being nearly finished my Fine Arts Degree majoring in photography and two, the personal video camera was becoming available to the general populace along with VHS player/recorders. You will see why soon.

I shared a house with three other women who were also students at the local University. Since there were four of us and our parents were quite well off we were able to afford to rent a very nice house in a very nice area. Important features of the house for me was the back yard with a swimming pool that was enclose by a good privacy screen of fencing and large trees and there were a couple of areas of the house available for me to have a developing room and a studio area that I could use for some of my models.

Since I didn't have a steady boyfriend at the time and I seemed to have been born already sexually and sensually charged and inquisitive (non of you men who are reading this should expect the same from your partners, we are all born with different hard wiring) I would go out to the pool, have a swim in the nude then often lay back on a reclining outdoor chair reading a suitably sexually stimulating book, preferable with pictures and then take my time to masturbate and often would have more than one orgasm. This would totally relax me and I would then be able to go about my evening duties, including assignments. This is why privacy in the backyard was so important to me. All of us girls were of the understanding that if we were going to be bring someone home with us then we would check out the back before the visitor could come in (I wasn't the only one of us to use the back yard in this way and sometimes all of us would be out there together.)

On one particular night I realised that I hadn't bought another VHS tape that I needed for the assignment I was working on so I popped next door to see if they had one that I could borrow. They were a slightly older couple with a son (Frank) who was in his late twenties still at home and we were on good terms with them all. I found Frank intriguing because he had a good physique and was a pleasant fellow but he didn't have a steady girlfriend. Frank answered the door and was happy to loan me a tape. I put the tape into my player/recorder and rewound it to the beginning. I then pressed play to move a bit through the tape to give me some room for editing. You have probably already guessed what started playing, yes, me naked out the back swimming and masturbating. Poor Frank had not written on the tape, thought it was blank, and gave it to me. I figured that he had heard me enjoying my sexuality (for those who need it spelt out I am noisy when I orgasm and leading up to it), climbed the tree to investigate and at the next opportunity been waiting with his video camera. I was a bit muffed but since I have a brain that is quick to grasp a sexual opportunity an idea seemed to just be there waiting for me. However, for it to work I would need to keep this tape and get another one for my assignment so I went back to his house and said that I had underestimated my assignment and would it be OK if I could borrow another tape. Not a problem; the plan was as good as done!

Unfortunately I think the need to set up the scenario has used quite a bit of space so I will post this and put up the next post in a few more days because it will probably take up as much space again. Being an arty type of woman I like to fill in all the details, although Gestalt would disagree and say that you could fill the gaps in yourself. I also notice that we do have some younger readers so would hate to miss an opportunity to teach the young women how to activate their sexual minds sooner rather than later.

Posted on: 2015-02-26 15:01:02 | Author: