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First Wank Together

I was 13 and my friend and I were talking about wanking for a few weeks, then one day my friend asked me if ever tried it, at which I replied no. He admitted he had not either.

A couple of weeks after that we had a game of dares in the woods at night and before we knew it we were in our boxer shorts. So we dared to take them off and we then agreed to try it and not tell anyone. I remember us both shaking and my belly having a good feeling. We were both reluctant to start first so we just went together after one, two, three.

We were both saying do you feel anything yet and after about two minutes we did. I saw his face as he came first, he had a kind of squinted smile and said "Oh god". I then came with him looking at me. I then gasped and my body turned to jelly and will never forget that first feeling.

We had many more adventures together.

Posted on: 2015-02-16 03:01:02 | Author: