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First Gyno Experience

I've received a lot of feedback on my past few stories and a couple of readers were wondering about my experiences at the gynecologist. It was interesting that some of the "fetishes" that were messaged to me by a few of you actually resonated with me as well. I hadn't put much thought into writing about my gyno experiences, but the actual appointments seem to be erotic in their own way. This submission may not be as stimulating as some of my other pieces, but feel free to give me feedback if you have time!

My first gynecologist appointment was the summer after I graduated high school, when I had just turned 18. I was getting ready to head off to college and wanted to explore options of birth control as I had never been on it. My pediatrician had always conducted physicals on me (before playing any high school sports, annual check-ups, etc.) so I hadn't ever had a true pelvic exam. The usual physical always had an examination of my genitalia towards the end and I always remember being really nervous. My mother was always in the room with me (I believe it was office policy to accompany a minor in the exam room). The doctor (Dr. John, as I referred to him) would always put on gloves, tell me to scoot to the edge of the table and examine my vulva, outer labia lips and my clitoral hood. He'd always have a light attached to his head as he would assess my vagina and I recall closing my eyes because I was so embarrassed, especially at the end when he would slightly spread my vulva open to check for any discharge or odor. I also worried when he would press against my vulva on each side and ask if I noticed any pain. Needless to say, I was not looking forward to the gyno where the examination would be much more invasive.

I booked an appointment at the same clinic my mother went to, but the only available gynecologist who was accepting new patients was a male (I was really hoping for a female for obvious reasons). The afternoon that I scheduled came quickly and I was already dreading it. I was working part-time filing papers for a family friend's business and had to leave early for my appointment. When I got there I filled out paperwork answering the usual questions (are you sexually active, any concerns, any known STD's etc.). I was not having sex at the time and have no STD's if any of you are wondering! The medical assistant called me to the exam room and told me to disrobe and put on the cloth gown. It was pretty cold in the exam room and I remember my nipples being erect as visible through the thin material of the gown. A nurse said she would be in the room during the exam to take notes. I could feel my anxiety going up as I anticipated being in a vulnerable position in front of a male doctor.

When the doctor came in, I was surprised how relieved I was. He was probably in his early 40's, his bedside manners were great and his personality was disarming. Having the nurse in the room was helpful, too. The first part of the exam was to check my breasts for any lumps, discoloration or other concerns. He asked me to lay back and slide my gown down to my waist. The way he said it was gentle and reassuring. His hands were warm when he cupped each breast and I remember jumping a bit when he squeezed each nipple and fingered around my areola. My boobs aren't that big and his hands easily wrapped around most of each breast. At that moment I realized that this exam wasn't as awful as I had anticipated and I felt foolish when I began to enjoy being exposed to this male doctor.

Next, the doctor told me to untie my gown and slide down to the edge of the exam table. He pulled out the stirrups and told me to spread my legs and position them in each foothold. I removed the ties to my gown and got into position and started wishing I would have trimmed my pubic hair a bit more closely. The doctor pulled on two baby blue medical exams gloves and said he was going to first do an, external genital inspection. He started by gently manipulating my outer labia and was talking about what signs he was looking for (discoloration, odor, discharge, pain). He gently parted my vulva folds to look at the inner labia lips. He continued to assess the external part of my vagina before moving up and stating he was going to briefly inspect my clitoral shaft and hood. I distinctly remember him saying, your clitoral prepuce (hood) is quite pronounced and be sure to retract it once in while to clean. He then took his thumb and index finger and slowly drew back by clitoral prepuce sending a tiny shockwave through my body as my clit was directly exposed, before then sliding my hood back to its natural position. I recall getting a bit wet as he slide my hood back to check for mobility of my gland and wished he would continue stroking my clitoral shaft for a few more pumps.

After that he had the nurse get the speculum out of the drawer along with the room-temperature lube. He continued to reassure me that everything was fine and he was going to exam my cervix and get a pap smear. The doctor started to apply the lube along the side of the metal speculum and then added a few drops to the inner part of my labia. He slowly started to part my lips and enter to speculum. I remember being so tight and felt pressure as he continued to insert it deeper. My vagina was really tight and he ended up pulling it back out and taking his middle and index finger to coax my vulva to open up wider by subtly parting my lips. The palm of his hand grazed the tip of my clitoris and I could feel my vagina getting wetter. I was thankful that the lube masked my own juices and I could feel some secretion drip down to my asshole. The speculum slid in much easier the second time and then the doctor opened it up a few clicks as I felt my vagina be opened wider than its ever been. He took a swab from my cervix and inner walls before removing the speculum and handing it back over to the nurse.

Then he said he was going to conduct a rectovaginal exam where he was going to simultaneously enter a finger in my rectum and vagina at the same time to check for any tumors on the inner walls. I'd never had anything inserted into my asshole before and was anxious and nervous about it. He took his gloved hand and inserted his index finger into my vagina, which was already wet and open from the speculum. I must have been really nervous because it took him a while to insert his middle finger into my anus. He rubbed my asshole a bit to tease it open and as he did this he inadvertently moved his index finger in and out of my vagina causing me to stifle a moan. All of a sudden I felt relaxed and both fingers penetrated me at the same time and I let out an audible gasp, perhaps due to a combination of shock, pain and pleasure. Immediately I felt myself blush, but he did not seem to notice. He continued to palpate my holes and I noticed I was moving in rhythm to his touch, grinding my vagina against his finger. He pulled his gloved hand out and the exam was basically over.

I still see this gynaecologist annually and he has been nothing but professional in all the exams. Sometimes I fantasize about him asking the nurse to leave for my pelvic exam and for him to explore my clitoris, labia and pussy. I imagine him teaching me how to retract my clitoral hood to clean and then for him to then wash my pussy with a sponge and gloved hands. Occasionally when I masturbate at home I will insert a finger into my asshole while massaging my clitoris and pretend its him examining my genitalia. I am self-conscious about my larger clit, but with him I feel completely okay and wish he would inspect it for longer.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this as many of you requested my gyno experience. I will write soon about other sexual experiences and please feel free to send me messages/feedback!

Posted on: 2014-10-14 21:01:05 | Author: