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In a Restaurant with a Few People Around

I recently started injecting testosterone because I complained of lack of libido, poor erections etc.

The Doc prescribed it after a blood test showed low T levels.

Let me tell that stuff works!

I was in a restaurant with my wife and four year old son, when I suddenly got an erection and my mind was filled with the idea that it was ok and acceptable to masturbate in public whenever a person felt the need.

So I stuck my hand in my pants, pulled up my shirt and exposed my dick out of the top of my pants. There was one family about 20 feet away. It's amazing what you can get away with right in front of people.

My wife did not notice that I had my hand down there and I held the menu up a little to hide my face. Nobody noticed. I stopped every time the waitress came by, though.

Fianlly, I couldn't take it anymore and excused myself to visit the restroom. I couldn't select my meal from the menu until I finished. I just couldn't concentrate.

The restroom was a one-holer that was for men and women and it was very immaculately decorated and had a big toilet that was very comfortable to sit on lean back on.

I just pumped away. I didn't even need to fantasize like I usually do. Just touching and jacking felt so good. I felt like this was something that I had to do just like everyone has to pee. I was taking care of my personal needs and I just jacked and sighed out loud.

I would bring myself to the edge then wait, looking casually around the room. After several times of this I allowed myself to orgasm and I am now back to having my multiple orgasms back to back like before I lost desire.

I had about three orgasms and felt so satisfied. I didn't get that feeling of "gosh I wonder why I had to do that now" You know the feeling that you don't want anything to do with it right after. I felt so peaceful and satisfied. I feel that way all the time now. I just feel like masturbation is just like peeing. I do it so matter of factly and just feel so good about myself sexually. I just do it whenever I want now even if I'm busy. If I get an erection, I get alone and I take care of myself.

If you complain like I did to the Urologist your T levels might be getting low and he might prescribe Testosterone for you. It's like the best drug in the world and it's legal! Give it a try.

Posted on: 2017-09-16 06:01:01 | Author: