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Jock Straps

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2014 9:55 am
by johnaked
My Jock
My Jock
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How many if you guys out there are into jock straps?
Since the first day that I wore one, at an all boys Grammar School in the midlands (uk) I've loved the feeling of my cock and balls in the pouch, my arse hanging out of the back caressed by those two straps and that amazingly thick elastic waist band - and still do all those years later.
At one point in my late teens (in the 1970s) I collected as many different styles as I could - those cricket ones with a pocket for the box, the skimpy swimming variety... And loved going into the sports shops around town - aiming for the sexiest male assistant and asking for the jockstrap looking right into his face...
While I was still at school I made a collection of as many jockstraps as I could "borrowing" them from other guys' sports bags while they weren't about - or picking them up from the floor in the changing room while they were in the communal shower or bath.... The dirtier and smellier the better - some with piss stains others with dried cum stains after scrums in the games session....
I had quite a collection and used to love wanking while having one over my head with the pouch over my mouth and nose - breathing in the amazing smells...
Any more of you love jocks?

Re: Jock Straps

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 9:20 pm
by johnnf
I don't wear my two, very often, but I do like the "free ass" feeling of them, unlike a thong.

Re: Jock Straps

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 9:55 pm
by johnaked
I know what you mean.... Whenever I wear a thong-type my arse hairs get so tangled - whether it's mine or my wife's !

Re: Jock Straps

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 2:01 am
by color14
When I was about 15, my older brother had one in his dresser drawer, and since he didn't seem to use the only one, I took it. It turned me on to wear it. My cock got so hard, I wasn't able to keep it inside the mesh. I think I still have that jock strap. My current girlfriend saw photos of jock straps on men, and said that she wanted me to wear them, cuz it turned her on. I ordered several different styles. She loves to see the straps on my butt, cuz I am the only man who's butt she loved. I want to start wearing them again with her. I keep forgetting to make her wear mine just for kicks, and see her reaction. She loves it when I wear her old panties that are too big for her to wear anymore.

Re: Jock Straps

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 10:18 am
by johnaked
My wife likes me in mine too - had a few jockstrap style swimming trunks - made by Hom - they were great! Before we were married she was used to seeing me in my jock - I said that the doctor advised me to wear one when I had "ball ache".
She went through a phase of getting me to wear it backwards when we fucked!!! Felt good - she would play with the straps....

Re: Jock Straps

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 3:59 am
by jtmac14
Nothing sexier to be in, both the look and the feel, than a regular white jockstrap. Straps whose mere appearance sends the message: "we are securely fastening the pouch to his genitals & thus to his body", a pouch that sends the message "I'm here to protect & cradle his genitals", and a waistband that sends the message "I'm here to link these 2 entities together for this man as i fit snug around this man's waist. A 1" waistband that also says "...and give you maximum exposure to his body. A 6 or 10" waistband that says "...and also fit snug around his torso. A 3" that also that sends a message somewhere in between. I have all of the above.

Before i learned of how many other straight males also had a jockstrap fetish, I had kept mine a secret from the world, not wanting to be mislabeled by a judgmental society. If you read the stories I've posted earlier this month, you will notice several of them feature jockstraps.

For many of us, i think the fetish begins when we wear our 1st one for gym and sports at the onset of our sexual development. And that we carry the fetish with us into adulthood.

Re: Jock Straps

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2022 1:03 am
by myownthing
When I was younger a few friends were taking a look at the new ball fields and the dug outs. I found a cup and picked it up to see what it was. My friend went crazy telling me to put it down, it wasn't clean. I didn't understand as it was dirty having been found in the dirt around a baseball field. He told me that catchers must wear them to protect their pricks. Another friend grabbed it from me and put it over his shorts and said it was way too big. He tossed it back on the ground near some bushes. I made a mental note and would return soon to recover it, bring it home and wash it before trying to wear it in my shorts.
When I returned the following day it was no where to be found.
Years later I got interested and wanted to buy one to try it out. The local store only had small and medium in stock. I bought the medium after talking with the male employee about what size my nephew needed.
After attempting to wear it, it was clear the medium would not fit it even come close. Not wanting to toss it, I went back to return it. It fit back in the package I bought it in and looked like it was factory. When I went in to the store there was only 3 women working. Two of them wanted to help me return or exchange it for a different size. One girl started the transaction while the other asked me to follow her to the display to find a large size, for my nephew. She couldn't find a large but offered to order one for me. I told her he needed it for that afternoon and I'd have to shop elsewhere.

Re: Jock Straps

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2022 5:23 pm
by blackboxer500
When I was a kid I tried to make a jock strap out of a pair of tighty whities using scissors to cut away whatever didn’t seem to look like part of a jock strap. It didn’t really work.