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A Masturbation Adventure

Every time I read the postings at this site, I am reminded of masturbation incidents I was involved during my teen and preteen years. This one happened at a seminar held for 16 year old boys at a university. The boys were selected not just for their academic abilities, but also because they were considered well behaved, socially graceful, and moral. I did well academically, had enough intelligence to realize that I should display good manners, and avoid such stupidity as cursing in public. But I had been an avid masturbator for six years, so I didn't qualify for the last category. No one knew this, although some may have suspected me, because I never talked about my secret, and didn't brag about jerking off as so many other boys did. Only one of my class mates knew of my masturbating because he and I got together every day after school for a jerking session which was combined with study. He was also included in the seminar. The seminar was for a two week period with the boys paired two to a room in one of the dormitories. My JO friend and I shared a room, so our mutual sessions were not interrupted. When we were there for about five days, one of the boys who sat at the same table with me for our meals anounced that he suspected the university was putting something in the food to reduce teen horniness because he had not gotten a hard since the seminar began. The rest of us howled with laughter. One of the wise guys suggested that after the rest of the group went to sleep, the six of us at the table should meet in his room for a circle jerk to see if our friend's suspicions were correct. All but I agreed; I hesitated; but succumbed to peer pressure. About ten that night, the six of us met, stripped, and began our experiment. When my clothes came off,I was already hard. I had been for hours thinking about what I had agreed to do. Our friend's suspicions were not correct. I lasted longer than any of the others because of avidly pursued self pleasuring. We got in two sessions, and after the last, one of the cirlce a class mate from high school looked at me quisically, and said; ' I always suspected you of being a real jerk off type even though you never said or did anything to make others suspect you.' Curious, I asked him why he thought this. He replied; 'When we shower after PE, I noticed that your pecker was unusually dark for a boy as light complected as you are. You have to jerk off a lot for that to be so; I know, mine is as dark as yours, and I jerk off about 20 times a week.'

Posted on: 2003-03-22 00:00:00 | Author: