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By-the-story membership?

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2020 11:45 pm
by fathermoses1000
Hi! I like reading the free stories, and I think that even if I did get a paid membership I would probably spend 99% of my ST time reading free stories anyway because I prefer their style of content and subject matter.

Except for one story...

There's this one premium story that is an update to a multi-post sequence that's otherwise in the free section. (It's called "Naturist Family Continued", if you're wondering which I'm talking about.) Would it be possible to create a buy-by-the-story feature so that I could pay a cheaper per-story price?

Also, unrelated-but-kind-of-related question, I *might* get tempted to buy a premium membership if I could see more of what it gives you. Is there any chance of a week-long (or even day-long or a few articles) of free trial period?

Re: By-the-story membership?

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2023 4:49 pm
by oldfan
I agree with this post. If you want to increase your paid memberships, allowing a free trial would be very beneficial.