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Uncut Males Here

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 12:59 pm
by johnnf
Ok guys,

If you're uncut, why do you like it that way, or why do you not like it that way? Some men, even go as far as to have a circumcision later in life.

I had what my mother relayed to me as a "dorsal slit", but as I research that topic, I didn't have that done, at least not fully. I suppose, what I had done, was a little snip called, preputioplasty. You can't see anything abnormal at the phimotic ring, but the foreskin isn't tight. (I think I had a good surgeon.)

My foreskin retracts on it's own when I get erections, yet, when I'm cycling or doing other activities that may chafe the glans, I can cover my glans with the foreskin for protection. I do notice the difference while cycling, if I forget to cover the glans; it does feel chafed.

Also, I found out a long time ago, that I feel cleaner, with the foreskin retracted, which is it's usual state.

As a fine arts model, I found it interesting to watch the look from students, when I'd change my penis' appearance for various poses.

For me, I feel I have the enjoyment of both worlds, and wouldn't want it any other way. :D ;)

Re: Uncut Males Here

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 10:58 am
by UKGent
I'm uncut and I couldn't imagine being any other way.

Sometimes I pull it back when masturbating and just play with the head, but my foreskin usually plays a big part of my masturbation routine.

Re: Uncut Males Here

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 6:18 pm
by johnaked
I'm envious of you guys with a 4skin! I'd love one to play with while wanking...

Re: Uncut Males Here

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 10:44 pm
by pleasureprobe
i'm uncut and wouldn't change it for anything. i love my cock as it is and would never harm it in such a way. also i like the way it looks when soft when the foreskin is covering everything

Re: Uncut Males Here

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 11:23 am
by bapigee
Hi there. I'm uncut and would never change it. My wife enjoys playing with the foreskin. Slowly pulling it back and forth once the head is swollen and hard.
Having the foreskin also keeps the head protected and more sensitive.

I love wanking and using my foreskin.

Re: Uncut Males Here

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 7:51 am
by monkee
Also, the foreskin has so many nerve endings which means that an uncut guy will experience sensations that a cut guy will never know. I'm so grateful for having a foreskin!

Re: Uncut Males Here

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 7:15 pm
by actionbuddy
Hot cock, PleasureProbe!

Re: Uncut Males Here

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 10:42 pm
by squidgy
I'm uncut as cirumcision in the UK is not generally done unless for religious reasons. The foreskin is designed to protect the glans and keep it lubricated and as been said before has many nerve endings so I get more feelings in my penis. I generally don't need to bother with lube when masturbating. I'm curious to know what it would be like if my penis were cut; but wouldn't want to lose my foreskin permanently. I bet circumcision rates would drop if men had to decide at 18 if they wanted to be cut and not have the decision made for them as a small baby.

Re: Uncut Males Here

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 7:43 am
by fuckhead
As mentioned, in UK circumsion unless its for religious reasons is very rare. Dont think i know anyone who is circumised, or at least nobodies mentioned it. Suppose its not the sort of thing you would bring up over a pint.

Re: Uncut Males Here

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 10:01 am
by squidgy
Most guys don't get the option of being cut or uncut as they are circumcised as a baby, I am uncut. I never hear of a rush of guys, when they are 18, going to be circumcised so I presume most, given the choice, would never have it done.

Re: Uncut Males Here

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 9:35 pm
by krieger
Uncut here!

I've never really put a lot of thought into it, in all honesty. I've got a lot of body issues, but oddly my cock has never been one of them, being just slightly above average in size. I've heard that guy's who've been cut are less sensitive, however, due to the constant rubbing inside the underwear region. As such, they can't always enjoy things like blowjobs. Also, thinking about it, having a foreskin makes masturbating without any kind of lube quite easy, as the extra skin just glides along the head.

So suddenly I'm glad!

Re: Uncut Males Here

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2019 12:14 am
by my2094
I lived half my life in the UK and half in America. I'm the UK never has a issue, however I found most Americans get cut and there some girls who prefer men cut well at least they say thar. What I mean I had sex with a girl who said she only like giving head to a cut penis. I guess she assumed I was cut. She was surprised to find out I wasn't. She was shocked when hard the foreskin pulls back. I guess she thought it didn't. Still I noticed one thing about her and I have to admit, I love it. When sucking my cock she would hold my skin down so that it didn't go over my helmet and she would suck hard. I guess the closest to being cut

Re: Uncut Males Here

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2019 9:59 pm
by slipperykisses
I'm uncut and I love it. I was married for a while and although she married me, she would make nasty remarks about me being intact. Present girlfriend loves me as I am.

Re: Uncut Males Here

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2019 11:39 pm
by thegymrat44
Happy to have a penis classic -- foreskin intact. Have never seen a statue of a nude guy who was circumsized.

It offers lubrication as well as protection. The one time I caught my guy in my zipper I was glad to have had the foreskin which took the damage!

Re: Uncut Males Here

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2019 6:38 pm
by bigpapi86
i agree with everyone here, being uncut I can't imagine ever wanting to be circumcised. I love how sensitive my foreskin is and it makes masturbating so much easier never having to worry about lube, it's nice having the ability to pull my foreskin back all the way behind my head while jacking.

Re: Uncut Males Here

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2019 2:59 am
by teddyball
Uncut and loving it. Why? My foreskin is by far the most sensitive skin on my penis. I love slowly moving my foreskin over and off my cock head--the inside foreskin gets stimulated and so does my sensitive cock head, which is very sensitive. My frenulum is intact and the source of wonderful pleasure. There are no modern medical or scientific reasons to cut off the foreskin--it was proliferated in the US to stop boys masturbating over 100 years ago., Did that work? And why--it took away the most pleasurable part of men's cocks!!! Why is female circumcision illegal in the US? Why not cut off ears to keep them clean?

Re: Uncut Males Here

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2020 6:48 pm
by wingonwing
I'm uncut thanks to my mom's decision when I was born. Has never been an issue except as a great conversation starter with women who are used to circumcised men. They're typically pleasantly surprised and find the foreskin to be a bonus bit of erotica to play with. When a major boner hits me, the foreskin yields to an engorged dick and goes away. Ladies, does it matter whether a man is cut or uncut?

Re: Uncut Males Here

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 8:49 pm
by theotherone44
I’m proudly uncut, but when I was young I was somewhat embarrassed by it and avoided taking showers in the high school locker room, but as I got older I learned to appreciate and be thankful that I wasn’t butchered as a baby. I don’t buy the medical or hygienic reason for circumcision; other than religion it is purely aesthetic.

I see the foreskin as a sheath that protects the glans when not in use. I can’t imagine leaving that highly sensitive part of your body exposed. It enhances sensitivity during sex and as others have mentioned you don’t need to use lube when masturbating. I wouldn’t change it and didn’t have it done to my son.

Re: Uncut Males Here

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 11:53 am
by spengle
im uncut and i prefer being uncut. but... i find having sex with comdoms is a hassle. ive thought about getting cut. but unfortunately i wank a lot more than i have sex so i would miss my skin if it was gone.

Re: Uncut Males Here

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 9:08 am
by jimbobv6
Like a majority of males in the UK, I'm uncut. I do sometimes keep my foresking retracted inside my underwear because it feels good that way for a short time, but I'd never consider having a baby circumcised for anything other than necessary medical reasons - I consider the practice barbaric.

However, when our youngest son was 9yo, we realised that his foreskin was very tight and that, as he hit puberty, the problem would just get worse. Our doctor tried everything for a year but, in the end, circumcision was the only answer. It broke my heart to get the little guy cut and he was in a lot of pain for weeks. However, now his penis has healed, and he's used to having no foreskin to protect the glans inside his undies, he seems happy enough!